EU debate – the ‘in or out’ un-reality show

Lack of definitions mean arguing about the EU gets nowhere

Everywhere the media is full of the ‘politics’ of the EU “in / out” issue.

Nowhere are the reasons for being in or out of the EU being discussed rationally.

Everywhere the need for “reform” is argued.

Nowhere is “reform” actually defined.

Everywhere hundreds (maybe thousands) of highly paid journalists and politicians are producing acres of crap about who said what, why that might be important and to whom and how this might affect some other political being or argument, i.e fluff, poo & piffle.

Nowhere has anyone actually got to grips with the real problems with the EU, just a few of which are these:-

1 – The EU is just too damn big – it is completely unmanageable and is run by bonkers, failed ex-leaders of failed countries (See 10 below)
2 – The EU has forgotten why it was formed in the first place (to stop Germany starting a third world war if you had forgotten or are too young to know)
3 – The EU is incompetent – those in charge are failures in their own countries – farmed out to a slow, but oh so well paid, death in Brussels
4 – The EU bureaucrats are overpaid for doing nothing to benefit the people of Europe
5 – The EU is so inefficient that it makes my teeth hurt
6 – The EU spends most of its time herding cats (people who will never agree on anything)
7 – The EU cannot even balance its books (19 years of audited but inaccurate, qualified final accounts).
8 – The EU is undemocratic – the MEPs have no power and cannot hold the executive to account BY DESIGN! 9 – The EU wastes so much of our tax money that it’s leaders should be in jail

10 – The EU is run by a failed former Portuguese Prime Minister and a failed Belgian Prime Minister! Well that’s alright then. Belgium has not had a valid government for years. Portugal is as bust as Greece)
11 – Germany has just announced an astonishing proposal for an 20 fold increase in the EU ‘diplomatic budget’  (but see 13 below)
12 – Oh, I almost forgot the Euro – possibly the most stupid ever invention ever conceived by man
13 – Even Van Rompuy & Baroness Ashton realise the game is up are are quitting in 2014

14 – Above all the EU is NOT what “we the people” want, which is the European Economic Community. We voted for the EEC in 1975 but since then the slow, slimy, sickening morphing into the EU has been quietly and completely undemocratically, foisted upon us.

Those in power are quietly allowing currencies to devalue (The £ by a shocking 35% since 2008!) whilst QE creates a background slow death of inflation so the banks can stay in power.

Nowhere are these fundamentally important issues being discussed – why not?

This is mass madness on such a scale that words are beginning to fail me …OK not quite 😉

We the people are being ‘handled’ while those who create the acres of meedja crap and spend the people’s money so incompetently are unchallenged by anyone talking common sense.

Here’s what needs to be done:-

  • Either the EU needs to be reformed back to the size of the EEC (pre Maastricht)


  • All those counties outside the Euro-zone should leave and let Germany stew in its own foul soup of failed European federalism and silly funny money.

There is a world outside of this EU farce that we can do business with.

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Author: Derek

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