British politics is broken – now published on Amazon

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My main message is that if we carry on with our current ‘Party’ based political system we speed up Britain’s further decline.

You might just recognise the cover because I am re-publishing ‘The Normal Curve’ as ‘British politics is broken’.

The reason for this is that a thoroughly detailed review of the book was given to me by Tim, who remains a dear friend despite a fair amount of negative but valid criticism 😉

As a result of this critique, I have rewritten about 10% of the book and added more up to date comment.

The book has a more appropriate title and I will be marketing the revised version in February now that the  Audible is available.

The Audible, paperback, hardback and Kindle versions are available on Amazon now.

We just have to get rid of the current party-political system to enable long term decision making.

I hope you will be one of the 55% we need to start the change needed 😉


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