Rate this postThe words below are all from We Own It, but this first paragraph is from me. I have supported ‘We Own It’ for several years and this is my small contribution to reverse what Thatcher did to us forty years ago. Please read this and then email Ofwat simply by clicking this link to We Own It. Thames Water have repeatedly broken their license to run a water company in England and the regulator has just fined them
Rate this post.. and what we should do about it in 2021. My sources are all blue, bold, italics and underlined. Clicking on them reveals a good read! What we should do in 2021 having learned our lessons: Stop buying cheap stuff from China. It is NOT cheap. China’s goods were never cheap because we now know the real cost; global pollution; climate change and failed capitalism. We must realise that local just has to be better than ever increasing
Rate this postI was going to entitle this article “The current BAME*1 game diversion”. I changed the title using Greta Thunberg’s words which are far more powerful exactly to the point. Dr Erich Schumacher made strong arguments against economic growth in his 1973 book “Small is beautiful (Economics as if people mattered)”. It is the most important guide to a sustainable future written in the last 100 years. I wish our business leaders and politicians had read it and then
Rate this postFor the last 40 years or so, China’s financial, business, political and cultural effect on our world has been a disaster. A disaster both for the Chinese themselves and for most of us. China’s cultural attitudes to selling “fresh” food and massively increased exports have exported their native bat diseases. Lessons have NOT been learned. SARS and MERS were both created in the same way. Fresh, wriggling and fluttering food is sold all over China in open market conditions
Rate this postThis article is a timely update to one I wrote about the dangers of China in February 2014 China the elephant in the room. This Tory government has learned nothing from Thatcher’s disastrous reign of myopic, crass decision making or that of New Labour’s 13 incompetent years at the helm. It cannot see beyond Cameraman’s departure two years hence (yes – two) and is making huge errors of mismanagement in three vital areas of Britain’s future. These are: 1) future
Rate this postCharles, when prince of Wales said “Look chaps, when I ascend, the throne that is, I will sort this all out.” (I paraphrase) I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding that can be solved by an inter faith dialogue meeting with those those nice people from the Orthodontic Society offering us all herbal teas. (Ed: Sire, do you perhaps mean the Homoeopathic Society? ). That nice Mr Blair has offered to help too, so at least I will be
Rate this postToday the government is accepting applications for licenses to explore potential fracking sites. The contracts that will be eventually signed will not contain clauses to clean up contaminated water supplies or clauses insisting upon insurance to be taken out to pay in the event of a natural disaster. Instead, here is what the government says to fracking companies “when things go wrong”:- “How operators manage incidents if something goes wrong:- Operators must prepare a safety document with an
Rate this postAir traffic requirements for Britain are today’s PoliNews*1 subject and, for once, Boris is right. Dave, as usual is wrong and incapable of vision. This blog, and my book ‘The Normal Curve‘, are largely about how and why the party political system is incapable of rational thought. We need, instead, a system of infrastructure and resource planning that can think 30-50 years into the future. Time after time cockups of such gravity have been made and none of
Rate this postHere is the latest in the long tradition of cock-ups by those who are paid to know better than ‘we the people’, you know, Government Ministers …sigh The ‘Feed in Tariff’ green initiative started by the last unspeakable Labour government (don’t get me wrong, this one is dreadful too – I’m not being partisan!) and continued by the coalition (subject to a current legal challenge). What is so infuriating to me is that most people think that the