My second book is the first to be published and is all about the danger that faith creates for society. Perhaps not something that most of you might think about, but hopefully this might provoke some discussion.

The book is on Amazon in paperback, Audible and Kindle versions. You can read the first twenty or so pages by using the “Look inside” feature.
I started my second book six months before the Covid-19 virus appeared so the use of the word ‘virus’ is coincidental.
It exposes the very real danger that faith promotes and explains why faith must be replaced by our natural humanity.
The book is aimed at younger readers who have yet to catch the faith virus. It may also be of interest to those who might be questioning the absence of their gods or god and why he she or it stopped smiting two thousand years ago
Faith causes so many problems and the book explains why faith schools are so dangerously divisive for our future society.
I attempt humour where I can but my sources never do. Try finding some humour in the Qur’an or the Bible, you will soon see what I mean
Two thousand five hundred years ago Confucius, Buddha and Socrates all concluded that a caring god simply did not exist.
Then Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ (or rather the religion created in his name three hundred and thirty-four years after his death1) did their best to enslave humanity and hide that simple wisdom from us.
- Do Jews really believe that their messiah is still coming after waiting over two thousand five hundred years?
- Do Christians ever wonder why Jesus never came back when he said he would?
- Perhaps they have never actually read those bits of the New Testament or just chose to ignore his clear message, repeated in all four gospels? See Chapter 9 for his words.
- Do Muslims ever wonder why almighty Allah needs so much help from suicide bombers?
- Why is faith still seemingly so valid to so many, supposedly, well educated people?
- Why have so many gods disappeared in the last two thousand years and why did those gods start disappearing when more of us were educated to read what other humans were saying?
- Why is the rational philosophy and the glowing light of the European Enlightenment (The Age of Reason) not taught in every school from the age of five?
Faith created by religion is the problem.
It creates division, confusion and anguish in children. It then creates irrational and increasingly violent behaviour in adults.
I urge the abolition of all faith schools, the disestablishment of the Church of England from the parliamentary law-making process, and actively encourage the teaching of age-appropriate philosophy in all schools from the age of five. I encourage this by supporting the Humanist Society and National Secular Society.
NB: Covid-19 had not yet emerged when I started planning and writing this book so my use of the word virus is purely co-incidental.
[1] In CE 369 Emperor Constantine eventually approved the final version the Catholic creed originally written by the Council of Nicaea in CE 325
About the front cover
I thank all associated with these wonderful pictures for making them free for anyone to use.
The James Webb Space Telescope is an international collaboration among NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).
The cover of the book enhances my main message. As science uncovers more and more of the true wonder of our universe, religion has less and less meaning.
The photo shows The Pillars of Creation as imaged by the James Webb Telescope in 2022. Scientists who made the telescope enabled it to see further into our universe than ever before.
The Pillars of Creation are some 6500light-years from Earth. Travelling from one side of the pillars to the other, at the speed of light, would take 5,000 years.
They are named so because the gas and dust are in the process of creating new stars.
We do not need a creator god anymore!