
How to read posts and add comments

The next few paragraphs explain how to read posts and make comments.

The blog has been going since 2009 with only a few posts each year.

Please read “Wisdom found” just under logged in / out box. These nuggets of wisdom often dressed with humour, helped me find the light of reason which dispenses the need for faith.

The quotes change every time you come to the blog and change whenever you navigate to a new page.

If you are browsing and happy just to read other peoples’ comments and posts then there is nothing else to do – just click Home on the menu.

How to add comments

You have to register to add comments but I will never disclose your email address.

This is what you need to do:-

  1. Think of a snazzy user name like BlogbadTheNog or Freddy9010 or perhaps even George
  2. Look for ‘REGISTRATION‘ on the Menu and left click it with your mouse
  3. A form will be displayed. Here you can enter your sparkling new user name and your email address.
  4. You can be promoted to ‘Author’ status to write your own articles (posts) to the blog.
  5. Click the ‘Submit’ button and you will receive a conformation email from me within 24 hours
  6. The you will be able to login, enter your password and you will see your cartoon avatar.
  7. Avatars are displayed on comments.

Your first comment will be approved by me, then your comments will be posted automatically.

To add your own comment or see other readers comments on a post – just click on the blue article title and the whole page opens up with a box to fill with your words.

Then move to the next or previous article by clicking on navigation arrows at the foot of the page.

Each post (or article) may have associated comments (e.g. 2 comments in top right corner of article). To read them, just click on either the article title bar OR on 2 comments.

Once you have done that, the article + comments takes over the whole page and a new arrow, or arrows, appear(s) at the top indicating the next or previous article / post.

To return to see all posts on one page just click the Home page button.

How to become an Author for the blog and write your own posts

You need to open the Registration form and choose Yes on the drop down list. You will need to tell me a little bit about what you wish to write.

Once your registration is approved by me I will ask you to submit your first post in PDF or Word format.

If I approve that you will be upgraded to Author and when you next log in you will see an extra option to create posts with or without graphics.

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