I have written two books the second of which ‘The Faith Virus’ is published in a Kindle version, a paperback plus an Audible version is available.
The second book published on Amazon is ‘British politics is broken, but…we might just be able to fix it’.
I have used Kindle Direct Publishing and found that method easy to use.
Neither book is that academic but includes a synthesis of some very well researched work by others plus some ideas of my own.
Some of you might want to explore further and my sources are mentioned in bibliographies.
All writers pinch from each other. In fact Confucius said, two thousand five hundred ago, that this process is critical to education.
British politics is broken, BUT we might just be able to fix it
My first book is aimed at primarily readers who have not had much interest in politics or who are weary of our politicians.
In three or four hours reading you will have a good overview of exactly why we are all fed up with politics and politicians.
You will be shocked and dismayed at how the system really works and may just want to do something about it.
Those who may think, quite correctly, that politics and politicians are not working for them might like to read it too.
I use the ‘Normal Curve (or Bell Curve)’ a graph which shows how real stuff is distributed. This debunks how politicians use their statistics to promote lies.
For example, IQ in a given population or measuring the height differences of 18 year old boys.
I use this simple statistical method to criticise so many policy decisions made by party politicians.
The Faith Virus (click to read more)
I started my second book six months before the Covid-19 virus appeared.
It exposes the very real danger that faith promotes and explains why faith must be replaced by our natural humanity.
The book is aimed at younger readers who have yet to catch the faith virus and those who have doubts in God’s ‘mysterious ways’ 😉
It may also be of interest to those who might be questioning the absence of their gods or god and why he she or it stopped smiting two thousand years ago 😉
Faith causes so many problems and the book explains why faith schools are so dangerously divisive for our future society.
I attempt humour where I can but my sources never do. Try finding some humour in the Qur’an or the Bible, you will soon see what I mean 😉
PS: I refer, in my book, to a book by Phyllis Graham called the Jesus Hoax which is now out of print but I have made it available as a downloadable PDF The-Jesus-hoax-by-Phyllis-Graham.
PPS: I also refer to Triumph in Defeat: Lost Origins of Jesus Sayings by Mark N Zion PDF Triumph-in-Defeat-Lost-Origins-of-Jesus-Sayings