2013 Party conference poppycock – Summary

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I was going to pontificate on each conference but slowly lost the will to live as the weeks went on – and on.

The same old policy messages from the flawed decision making format enforced by the party being the most important consideration. No conference mentioned the public finance debt or deficit – both of which have actually increased since 2010.

For hardworking people’ was the unavoidable phrase at the Conservative Party Conference this year – the words were in every speech, every soundbite, every press release and written in huge letters up on the wall and at the conference centre’s entrance. Attribute PSE

The Tories want to give  £200 a year to married couples (yawn) and they want to artificially inflate the house price bubble by re-introducing 95% mortgages which is exactly what caused the mortgage derivative market to crash the financial system in 2008 – unbelievable! The final straw was Cameraman saying that he was so wonderful and responsible in forming the coalition “in the peoples’ interest”. I mean, for Pete’s sake, the reason for the coalition was that we had nobody to actually vote for! Self delusion continues – they are incapable of getting it!

The Labour party want to keep energy prices low with a argument so flawed it was effectively debunked by the 6 ‘o clock news. Ed Balls’ speech was mind numbingly awful and still held out for a traditional Keynesian solution to the country’s ills (Keynes was turning in his grave). The calls for socialism were for the party faithful’s ears only and Ed Millibeans speech writer (from America) made him sound like a ‘folksy’ John Wayne” Aw shucks” etc. The choice for we voters is as bad as 2010.

UKIP – the only party conference with a few meaningful policies was completely overshadowed by the misogynist loony right wing – poor old Nigel! Better buck up by 2014 conference season!

Oh dear me – what a sad state of affairs for “we the people” … or is it?

Boris is coming back to save us all Hurrah! 😉

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