Rate this postThe BBC’s ridiculous pro-Remain stance is irritating enough, but Salzburg has exposed Theresa May, yet again, to be completely clueless. I have been saying this for months here and here and here. Do the BBC, Theresa May & Dominic Raab really think we are all stupid? The EU’s delusional bureaucracy is simply fighting for its very existence. It is scared shitless of the domino effect once we, the second largest net contributor, leave. The EU is a failed organisation
Rate this postNo I am not shocked, nor am I interested in the replacement of one old deluded man with another. However, what does shock me is the amount of fawning coverage given to this non-event by the BBC. They rolled out that mindless Cormack Murphy O’Connor to opine on the subject today. The radio and TV news has been deluged with pointless wittering about the last 700 years history of one of the foulest but politically self serving organisations
Rate this postAlmost daily now, on the BBC, we hear religious leaders droning on about the importance of faith in our lives and the dangers of aggressive secularism. Now ‘we’ are sending Baroness Warsi to the Vatican, accompanied by 7 cabinet ministers, to join forces with the Pope to speak out against so-called ‘aggressive’ secularism which I would simply describe as reason and common sense! I find this government mission frankly deeply misguided and almost unbelievable – and who on
Rate this postBBC – Have Your Say debate Should there be more religion on tv? Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 14:38 A question, if I may, to the BBC ..? Your current Charter calls for 110 hours of religious programming – why then are you increasing funding to provide 168 hours this year? Could it be that the top brass are all Catholic or Anglican? Surely not! On a more serious note, I suspect that you are in breach of your