The Institute for global change, Blair & Adonis

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Rate this post“The Institute for Global Change” blames Populism for the incorrect result of the Brexit referendum. Adonis said “Brexit is a populist and nationalist spasm worthy of Donald Trump” (full text of his letter here). I thanks for the photo and their words. Tony Blair fronts ‘The Institute for Global Change’. Multinationals fund it (but try and find out who!). The Institute for Global Change is a preposterous and egotistically named organisation. You just have to follow this link

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Remember Chilcot ..? The dodgy dossier et al ..?

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Rate this postThe enquiry under Sir John Chilcot set up in 2009 has yet to report. The total expenditure since 2009 is £7,479,400, and of course worth every penny! That from the Chilcot Inquiry’s own web page. This enquiry was the 4th attempt to establish the “truth” behind the UK government’s reasons for the Iraq invasion. The other 3 enquiries were so discredited, by the press and others, that “they” thought, they had better have another go. Sir John Chilcot said, in

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Blair to invade Syria

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Rate this postIt must be true – I read it in the Daily Mail … 😉 This week Tony Blair has been trying out new destroyer class super-yachts (including the Pelorus, owned by U.S. music mogul David Geffen, pictured), but still has been unable to refine his latest choice about which has the best drinks fridge and best mounting platform for cruise missiles. One of his spokespersons said that “Tony was feeling a bit left out after being ejected from

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Reality bites – at last …triple AAA? (ask Mr Micawber, he knows)

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Rate this postThe AAA rating, by Mr Micawber’s definition (and that of reality and your grandmother) is earned when your income just exceeds your expenditure and that future prospects are stable. Neither of these simple criteria apply to any country in Europe, including Germany, and certainly not to the USA or to Great Britain. So why all the excitement when the USA which has not met these criteria for years (as indeed, we have not) loses the AAA rating? Politicians have been

Read More Reality bites – at last …triple AAA? (ask Mr Micawber, he knows)