China – the elephant in the room & two royal bores

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Rate this postChina’s economic miracle is to be feared Everywhere I look in today’s news, I see that few see China, as one of the biggest problems in our globalised world. But, most commentators see China’s “economic miracle” as something to be admired! In my view, China’s miracle is an example to be feared and then understood. Then dispatched to the history books as a colossal error by the human race. I see, as does dear Robert Peston, who has

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When Italy and Greece joined the Euro, they failed several of the main criteria (Euro bailout #2)

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Rate this postAll “bail outs” of failed economies in the Eurozone are prohibited by EU law, but … Did you know that when Italy and Greece joined the Euro, they failed several of the main criteria set up for countries joining the Euro? You may have heard that we (residents of Great Britain – the UK …) are in a bit of financial bother and that for every £4 we spend we have to borrow £1, at around 3.0% from China.

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Daniel Hannan destroys Gordon Brown – a classic …

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Rate this postDaniel Hannan destroys Gordon Brown and he says it beautifully in the EU parliament. Just watch Brown squirm. …not widely publicised at the time and if you have not seen this – it is a real treat! Most of what he says (and he says it beautifully!) is just as valid now as it was in 2009; enjoy!