Rate this postThose words, from Ian Duncan Smith this morning, echo what I have been saying here on this blog for fourteen years. How could our politicians and security services be so stupidly incompetent? The reason that our politicians have been so stupid is explained in my latest book ‘British politics is broken, but…‘ From Tony Blair, David Cameron and Gideon Osborne onwards the idiots in Number 10 and 11 Downing Street have been welcoming Chinese spies into our universities
Rate this postEveryone I meet who is even minimally interested in the EU, knows that Cameraman’s EU negotiations have been pointless from the start. The charade continues to be supported by the BBC and most journalists because ‘the story‘ fills up the time available for news broadcasts and keeps everyone busy. There is no reason at all to link the date of the promised referendum to what Cameraman is doing. Yet this is being presented as being a necessary step!
Rate this postPeter Brookes said it beautifully in his cartoon printed six weeks before Saudi Arabia executed 45 ‘enemies of state’. I can’t show it on my blog but you can see it here. It’s becoming clear that our view of Saudi Arabia is in need of review (Ed: Understatement of the decade?). ISIS Meanwhile our boys have carried out 4 bombing raids in Syria with absolutely nothing to show for their efforts. All the hoohah in the recent Parliamentary debate
Rate this post… party politics! Party politics has stifled any adult discussion of the threat we face from IS (Islamic State). No, it’s not ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq & Levant, the Jewish / USA version). Daesh is the Arabic acronym which really they do not like. For a full discussion of the name(s) of this primitive barbaric organisation see here. Everywhere in the media, even in our best political discussion programs, journalists and politicians consume 90% of the time
Rate this postThis article is a timely update to one I wrote about the dangers of China in February 2014 China the elephant in the room. This Tory government has learned nothing from Thatcher’s disastrous reign of myopic, crass decision making or that of New Labour’s 13 incompetent years at the helm. It cannot see beyond Cameraman’s departure two years hence (yes – two) and is making huge errors of mismanagement in three vital areas of Britain’s future. These are: 1) future
Rate this postOur Dave wants to defeat the poison of radical Islam, jolly good eh? Well, no, he still defends state funded faith schools. His use of the word poison, copies Blair, his hero, who has used the word poison in the same context many times since 2010. Yet, despite agreeing on the word, neither Blair nor Cameraman have the slightest clue about the nature of so-called radical Islam. Cameraman’s Birmingham speech on the 21st July was welcome, but several
Rate this postOr, if you do then you are wilfully misleading the people you lead and represent. Obama has just said in his speech last Tuesday night, “Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic.” (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) On the face of it, that shows his profound ignorance of the Qur’an and Hadith (supplementary Muslim instructions written after their manual was last updated in 1910). However, he is probably doing what all western politicians
Rate this postWhat we the people have said is what none of those in power want to hear. Our “None of the above” protest vote is still not being heard by any of the political parties. We, the people, have said it, not just in Britain, but, all over Europe. The knee jerk response to the EU, is UKIP’s “out is best”. I have a fair degree of sympathy with that view, but let’s examine the alternatives. Notice, I do
Rate this postCan it really be that politicians are listening to the people? It may just be so here in the UK perhaps even so in the USA?. Pity about France … I hope Congress and President Barak Obama have the balls to say “No” to any more intervention in the Middle East. Let us instead promote the values and reason of the European Enlightenment upon which the USA was founded and wait 500 years while the Middle East catches
Rate this postIt must be true – I read it in the Daily Mail … 😉 This week Tony Blair has been trying out new destroyer class super-yachts (including the Pelorus, owned by U.S. music mogul David Geffen, pictured), but still has been unable to refine his latest choice about which has the best drinks fridge and best mounting platform for cruise missiles. One of his spokespersons said that “Tony was feeling a bit left out after being ejected from
Rate this postApart from being good news for the £ (of which more later*), the lack of a majority for any one Italian party, in yesterday’s general election, is giving the political classes the same lesson that they failed to learn in 2010. “We the people” have nobody credible to vote for. When an Italian comedian can get 25% of the vote, then I think we may say that conventional political parties have been rumbled as the comedians. The lesson
Rate this postMay I present the latest example of the blitheringly obvious being missed by politicians and their slimy attempts to blame anyone but themselves! First Group’s winning bid was based on revenues growing by 10% per annum for years to come! That was headline news some weeks ago. To any first year student of politics, accounting or indeed anyone who lives, or has lived, in the real world this was obviously bollocks nonsense! Oh, and by the way, this
Rate this post“The Lords Reform Bill is dead.” says Cameraman Senior. “Oh no it isn’t!” says Cleggy Minor … The rowdy delinquents are at it again – no parental controls in place as Clegg minor & Cameraman major battle out their respective class captain campaigns for the next two years. Although Cleggy Minor’s dad (Lord Steel) has tried to calm down his errant offspring by calling him “petulant”*2 Once again these silly little boys are spending all their time, our
Rate this postI have no money but take my body if you must says David Cameraman … In Berlin today Merkel will still ask for a 5% increase in the Euro budget and in the same breath tell Cameraman that she can’t afford to bail out the weaker members of the Eurozone – “Well my Dear …” (I can hear him saying), “you can’t have it both ways!” He should also remind Chancellor Merkel where all the money came from
Rate this postThe AAA rating, by Mr Micawber’s definition (and that of reality and your grandmother) is earned when your income just exceeds your expenditure and that future prospects are stable. Neither of these simple criteria apply to any country in Europe, including Germany, and certainly not to the USA or to Great Britain. So why all the excitement when the USA which has not met these criteria for years (as indeed, we have not) loses the AAA rating? Politicians have been
Rate this postThis is the first of a new series of posts pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of politicians that most people don’t have time to spot – I do, so here is a classic example. The following article appeared in the Guardian on 21st December 2010. A humbled and diminished Vince Cable was tonight allowed to cling on to his cabinet post as business secretary, but was stripped of all responsibility for media policy after it emerged he had told undercover reporters that
Rate this postAll “bail outs” of failed economies in the Eurozone are prohibited by EU law, but … Did you know that when Italy and Greece joined the Euro, they failed several of the main criteria set up for countries joining the Euro? You may have heard that we (residents of Great Britain – the UK …) are in a bit of financial bother and that for every £4 we spend we have to borrow £1, at around 3.0% from China.
Rate this postThe main theme of meBook is that “party” politics corrupts the decision making process in government thus ensuring that unforgivable errors are made in managing Britain’s resources. The last few days have made me glad to be grumpy – my cup runneth over with material for a grump-fest not seen since Blair made the BBC apologise for telling the truth about his mad, bad, god inspired decision to invade Iraq. “Politics” (original meaning = ‘of the people’) has come to mean
Rate this postRemember this from our mate Dave? (Tory Conference – October 2009 – full text here) “It means showing that we’re all in this together, which is why we’ll freeze public sector pay for all but the one million lowest paid public sector workers for one year to help protect jobs. And it means showing that the rich will pay their share which is why for now the 50p tax rate will have to stay and child trust funds for