What do we learn from the Ryan Giggs affair

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Rate this postThe media is all excited and discussing endlessly how Twitter is ‘challenging the supremacy of conventional law’; so, once again I am lost for words. The issue is not Twitter, or Giggs, or the F1 bloke who likes his prostitutes 3 at a time wearing Nazi helmets;  it is that the the English legal system is being misused and corrupted by the rich to protect themselves from exposure from their own crass behaviour. Government is closing down the best bits

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Rape discussion: Ed Miliband v Ken Clarke – who won?

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Rate this postThe inherent pointlessness of party politicians Prime Minister’s Questions (‘PMQs’) this week , Wednesday 12:00 – 12:30, demonstrated perfectly all the points that I have ever made (my book)  about the inherent pointlessness of party politicians. “some rapes are not as serious as others” Ed Miliband made a skin crawling exhibition of himself when he accused the Justice Minister of saying that “some rapes are not as serious as others”. What Clarke had actually said, was that the law

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