Rate this postThose words, from Ian Duncan Smith this morning, echo what I have been saying here on this blog for fourteen years. How could our politicians and security services be so stupidly incompetent? The reason that our politicians have been so stupid is explained in my latest book ‘British politics is broken, but…‘ From Tony Blair, David Cameron and Gideon Osborne onwards the idiots in Number 10 and 11 Downing Street have been welcoming Chinese spies into our universities
Rate this postOsborne’s gone NATS, selling our air to Germany Thatcher sold our water supply in 1989 which means that there can be no sensible policy to share out UKs water supply from the areas of plenty (the West & North West) to the areas of need (the South and South East). Those who now own the water do not live here so they just don’t care. The list of idiotic, incomprehensibly incompetent “policies” dreamt up, mainly by the Tories,
Rate this post The casual hypocrisy of George Osborne:- 09/01/2009 – “QE is the last resort of desperate governments when all other policies have failed” – George Osborne in opposition The U turn 06/10/2011 – “QE is an appropriate tool” – George Osborne (reported on politics home) Yes it is par for the course for politicians to lie and spout bollocks – this is a jolly good example. Here is some sanity from my favourite BBC economics commentator, Stephanie Flanders, who blogged “Some say that
Rate this postAll “bail outs” of failed economies in the Eurozone are prohibited by EU law, but … Did you know that when Italy and Greece joined the Euro, they failed several of the main criteria set up for countries joining the Euro? You may have heard that we (residents of Great Britain – the UK …) are in a bit of financial bother and that for every £4 we spend we have to borrow £1, at around 3.0% from China.