Salzburg, time for May to walk away, enough is enough

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Rate this postThe BBC’s ridiculous pro-Remain stance is irritating enough, but the Salzburg EU Brexit meeting has exposed Theresa May, yet again, to be completely clueless. I have been saying this for months here and here and here. Do the BBC, Theresa May & Dominic Raab really think we are all stupid? The EU’s delusional bureaucracy is simply fighting for its very existence. It is scared shitless of the domino effect once we, the second largest net contributor, leave. The

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Cameron, China, the dragon in the room …

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Rate this postThis article is a timely update to one I wrote about the dangers of China in February 2014 China the elephant in the room. This Tory government has learned nothing from Thatcher’s disastrous reign of myopic, crass decision making or that of New Labour’s 13 incompetent years at the helm. It cannot see beyond Cameraman’s departure two years hence (yes – two) and is making huge errors of mismanagement in three vital areas of Britain’s future. These are: 1) future

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David Cameron ‘extremely angry’ over First Group rail franchise errors 2012

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Rate this postMay I present the latest example of the blitheringly obvious being missed by politicians and their slimy attempts to blame anyone but themselves! First Group’s winning bid was based on revenues growing by 10% per annum for years to come! That was headline news some weeks ago. To any first year student of politics, accounting or indeed anyone who lives, or has lived, in the real world this was obviously bollocks nonsense! Oh, and by the way, this

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Murdoch & Thatcher proved to be devious, lying stinkpots

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Rate this postMargaret Thatcher had a secret meeting with Rupert Murdoch at Chequers weeks before his 1981 purchase of the Times newspapers, newly released files show. What a surprise ?! I can’t believe it! Murdoch actually denied the meeting, on several occasions, I really can’t believe that such a decent businessman could have forgotten the meeting! He wasn’t old then was he? Oh I think get it – he is a devious lying egocentric ba$tard – that must be it. The fact

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Reality bites – at last …triple AAA? (ask Mr Micawber, he knows)

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Rate this postThe AAA rating, by Mr Micawber’s definition (and that of reality and your grandmother) is earned when your income just exceeds your expenditure and that future prospects are stable. Neither of these simple criteria apply to any country in Europe, including Germany, and certainly not to the USA or to Great Britain. So why all the excitement when the USA which has not met these criteria for years (as indeed, we have not) loses the AAA rating? Politicians have been

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Lovely dry and sunny weather isn’t it? Yes, but …

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Rate this postSub-title: Sell your Chinese ‘Emerging Market’ stocks soon – you heard it here first. 😯 It hasn’t rained much this year. In fact it is looking like being one of the driest years ever and the trend is probably going to continue. The UK water supply should be owned by the UK A significant majority of British people believe that the water supply is so vital that it should be run as a not-for-profit public service. However, the

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