The EEC, the EU and why it’s time to leave

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Ever since I started this blog, some 8 years ago, I have written many posts urging us to leave the EU because of what I discovered in my personal quest to understand why and how the EEC became the EU.

Prophetic is the description I would use, or so I hope, having just re-read them. I’d love to know what you think! 😉

This is my last chance to persuade you to vote leave on the 23rd June.

Do you have 15 minutes to spare? Please read on…

Here we go :

This from 2012:

Blackadder explains the Euro to Baldrick …

Baldrick: “What I want to know Sir, is, before there was a Euro there were lots of different types of money that different people used. And now there’s only one type of money that the foreign people use. And what I want to know is, how did we get from one state of affairs to the other state of affairs”
Blackadder: “Do you mean, how did the Euro start?”
Baldrick: “Yes Sir”
Blackadder: “Well, you see Baldrick, back in the 1980s there were many different countries all running their own finances and using different types of money. On one side you had the major economies of France , Belgium , Holland and Germany , and on the other, the weaker nations of Spain, Greece , Ireland , Italy and Portugal . They got together and decided that it would be much easier for everyone if they could all use the same money, have one Central Bank, and belong to one large club where everyone would be happy. This meant that there could never be a situation whereby financial meltdown would lead to social unrest, wars and crises”.
Baldrick: “But this is sort of a crisis, isn’t it Sir?”.
Blackadder: “That’s right Baldrick. You see, there was only one slight flaw with the plan”.
Baldrick: “What was that then, Sir?”
Blackadder: “It was bollocks”.

For a slightly more detailed analysis on why the creation of the Euro was a politically, incompetent cockup of the highest order, please see my final article on the Euro written in December 2011.

Acknowledgements: Unfortunately, I do not know who wrote this <the earliest reference I could find was on the UKIP website date 26th February 2012> but would like to thank them from the heart of my bottom!

This from 2014: Ed Milliband has never really found his way into our hearts since becoming leader of the New / Old / Labour / Lost / Middle party. The labour party faithful just cannot accept that he is simply not leadership material. He sounds odd and looks weird. If that seems unkind, well tough, it’s simply true! Not PC but true.

Millibean’s  latest desperate pronouncement on not supporting an  EU referendum just shows how incapable of rational thought he is. He is caught in the party political game and cannot think about

what is good for the people of Britain.

This latest media fest on the EU referendum, as usual, discusses none of the real reasons for the UK leaving the sinking ship that is the EU. I repeat now what I said last May because the facts are just the same – the only thing that changes is the damn party politicians!

Nowhere has anyone actually got to grips with the real problems with the EU, just a few of which are these:-

1 – The EU is just too damn big; it is completely unmanageable and is run by bonkers, failed ex-leaders of failed countries (See 10 below)
2 – The EU has forgotten why it was formed in the first place (to stop Germany starting a third world war if you had forgotten or are too young to know)
3 – The EU is incompetent; those in charge are failures in their own countries – farmed out to a slow, but oh so well paid, death in Brussels
4 – The EU bureaucrats are overpaid for doing nothing to benefit the people of Europe
5 – The EU is so inefficient that it makes my teeth hurt
6 – The EU spends most of its time herding cats (people who will never agree on anything)
7 – The EU cannot even balance its books (19 years of audited but inaccurate, qualified final accounts).
8 – The EU is undemocratic; the MEPs have no power and cannot hold the executive to account by design!
9 – The EU wastes so much of our tax money that it’s leaders should be in jail

10 – The EU is run by a failed former Portuguese Prime Minister and a failed Belgian Prime Minister! Well that’s alright then (Belgium has not had a valid government for years & Portugal is as bust as Greece)
11 – Germany has just announced an astonishing proposal for an 20 fold increase in the EU ‘diplomatic budget’  (but see 13 below)
12 – Oh, I almost forgot the Euro; possibly the most stupid ever invention ever conceived by man
13 – Even Van Rompuy & Baroness Ashton realise the game is up are are quitting in 2014
14 – Above all the EU is NOT what “we the people” want, which is the European Economic Community. We voted for the EEC in 1975 but since then the slow, slimy, sickening morphing into the EU has been quietly and completely undemocratically, foisted upon us.

Those in power are quietly allowing currencies to devalue (The £ by a shocking 35% since 2008!) whilst QE (That’s ‘quantitative easing’, not our Lizzie) creates a background slow death of inflation so the banks can stay in power.

Nowhere are these fundamentally important issues being discussed – why not?

This is mass madness on such a scale that words are beginning to fail me …OK not quite ;-)

We the people are being ‘handled’ while those who create the acres of meedja crap and spend the people’s money so incompetently are unchallenged by anyone talking common sense.

Here’s what needs to be done:-

  • Either the EU needs to be reformed back to the size of the EEC (pre Maastricht)


  • All those counties outside the Euro-zone should leave and let Germany stew in its own Euro fueled bonfire of failed European federalism.

If we can’t really take Dave, Ed, Nigel or Nick, well, there’s always ….Boris!

Note from the Editor: “No real people were hurt when taking these pictures of our beloved ruling elite.” 😉

This from 2012:

Two facts you may not know about the Maastricht Treaty…

Last December  (2011) I said there was no more to say about the ridiculous EU; just lately I have had to say more, mainly after José Manuel Barroso said the EU needs to become a Federation urgently! Baroso former PM of Portugal with a stupefying record of economic incompetence is now in charge of the EU project … words fail me …

If you, like me (a few years ago), didn’t give a damn about Maastricht or even notice it, well, you should; it is nothing short of a criminally incompetent plan to turn member states into a Federal European state run by Germany.

The Maastricht treaty was the final, in a slimy, devious series, of non-democratic treaties; moves, by Federalists within the appointed EU bureaucracy, to change the EEC, which actually was a jolly good idea into the European Union. We voted YES for the EEC in the 1975 referendum.

We now have, in the EU’s current form, an organisation where the leaders are NOT taken from the elected European MPs – they are appointed by Herman Van Rompuy’s department. If you want to know how that happened then I welcome you to the LaLaland of smoke, mirrors, incompetence, unbelievable inefficiency and corruption of all that is decent about humanity; viz the EU Commissioners.

However, we, the people, never ever voted for this slow morphing of the EEC into the EU; and when, accidentally, the French & Dutch were given a chance to express their opinions in 2005 they said NO – very loudly; and were quietly and sickeningly ignored.

The Irish were supposed to be asked too but this was delayed because they would have said no too; later, when they needed an illegal bailout – they said yes after a slimy YES campaign!

We, in the UK, were not asked and most of us didn’t know that we should care; so there we are – screwed!

The two facts you might not know:-

1) According to the Maastricht Treaty, EU member states are not allowed to finance their public deficits by printing money. That is one reason why the Bank of England has been buying government bonds from financial institutions, not directly from the government. However – the EU states led by England are doing exactly that, but now it is called ‘Quantitative Easing‘. Faced by those weasel words, most of us just turn off and watch X Factor or Strictly instead. Meanwhile our pensions are being raped by the rich because QE is inflation by another name.

Quantitative easing is actually a backdoor process to save the banking system by apparently improving the asset side of Banks’ balance sheets, and it STINKS!

Here is what actually happens:-

  • The Bank of England prints money electronically – one minute the UK money supply is say £40 trillion quid and the next second it is £41 trillion – magic!
  • The Bank of England buys government bonds from the banks with the magic money and a public statement is made by Osborne to the effect that banks should now lend more to business.
  • UK Banks’ balance sheets now look better and have more cash for bonuses HURRAH! Buying government bonds from Pension funds has the effect of reducing the return on bonds this making shares “look” more attractive and somehow overcomes the limitation of the accepted definition of “Printing money” (Pre-war Germany, Zimbabwe etc.)
  • However, banks still do not loan to businesses because that does not return as much profit as digging holes in 3rd world countries does, which by the way is how Merchant Banks have always made their money. It is a dirty exploitative way of making profit and it STINKS.

‘The Bank of England believes  QE is different because it is “printing money” as part of monetary policy – to prevent deflation. It is not printing money to help the government finance its deficit. Also, unlike Zimbabwe, this is a temporary policy: the Bank expects to sell the government bonds back into the market when the economy recovers.’ ( Ed: Oh yeah? We wait with bated breath … ? )

2) According to the Maastricht Treaty, EU member states cannot be bailed out if they cannot finance their own debt requirements. Err, but, they have been, as in Greece, Spain, Ireland and shortly Italy and in November Greece again. This is all simply par for the course for the worthless, disingenuous (aka lying, duplicitous) corrupt EU bureaucrats who invented the completely irrational Euro – simply madness to invent a common currency where no member state can control its own tax system or money supply.

To conclude:-
1) The Euro is a nonsensical construct by any rational examination; it was obviously conceived, as a first step, by those who wanted the United Federation of Europe by the back door.
2) Any member state breaking fiscal rules are simply told off (over a nice lunch) – and never held to account (e.g. Italy, Greece, Portugal never, ever met the 5 criteria for joining the Euro).
3) The so-called Treaties are worthless; because they are not democratic & nobody is ever held to account (i.e. fired!).
4) The EU itself is worthless and irrational; because no-one ever voted for it and its own accounts have failed every audit for the last 19 years!
5) Most European governments are colluding in this desperate measure to save the bankers from financial reality because it is the bankers that keep the status quo.

All three main UK political parties don’t seem to mind, do you?

This from 2015:

EU leaders remain clueless – Greece in denial

At London Conference of 1953, the Greek Minister of Finance signed a treaty agreeing to cancel 50% of Germany’s debt! How times change!

While the idiotic posturing of Jean-Claude Juncker (a banker friendly supporter of globalisation and an expert in tax avoidance for multi-nationals) waits for Greece to agree to ridiculous demands to pay back the banks, who were daft enough to loan a third world economy buckets of cash in the first place, Greece’s Prime Minister (and most of the Greek people) still want to retain the Euro.

Both sides in the debate, which is scheduled to end this Sunday (but don’t hold your breath) are publicly refusing to accept the inevitable, which is this:

  • Greece’s debt (almost twice its GDP) has to be reduced by at least 50% and the banksters will have to take their haircut. The longer the banks refuse their haircut, the worse the financial crash will be
  • Greece needs to cut the public sector back to 15% of the working population rather than the 40% it is today (similar to Northern Ireland…)
  • Greece must return the retirement age to 65 ish rather than the current ridiculous 61.9
  • Greek cash based tax avoidance culture is just too different from that of Northern Europe, and the EU’s incompetence in allowing Greece, Italy and Portugal to join is a cock-up which will inevitably lead to the Euro’s demise

Those are the simple economic realities which both sides are cannot face.

Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek finance minister sacked a few days ago (to appease EU bankers) was the only person qualified enough in economics to be worth listening to.

His blog makes perfect sense in debunking the ridiculous Euro and the undemocratic nonsense that is the EU.

The stark realities are that 20% of the population of Greece are below the EU poverty line and levels of unemployment average out at 55%.

Behind all this posturing is, of course, the basic nonsense that is the Euro. William Hague wrote an excellent article in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph which explains what I have been saying here since 2006, i.e. that the Euro is potty, well worth a read ! Pity he didn’t have the balls to say it loud and clear when he had the power to do something about it.

Sad and tragic days ahead for Greece.

What happens next Sunday at the EU summit?

Buggered if I know!


Yanis Varoufakis Yanis Varoufakis blog

There are several more articles but if you have not watched Brexit the movie, I urge you to do so. You owe it to your grand children.

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2 thoughts on “The EEC, the EU and why it’s time to leave

  1. Well – now it has happened. I have watched TV reports over here in the US, BBC World News and high and low on the Internet for something good out of Brexit to mitigate the economic collapse and turmoil that is abundant wherever you care to look. Can’t wait to see your blog on how it is benefiting anyone other than a handful of crazy, ambitious, self-adoring, stupid politicians and you like us have plenty of them. Everyone else is losing greatly and for the foreseeable future IMHO.


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