This blog and my two books are a result of my research about the many questions I have had over the years.
My reading was a hugely enjoyable process, one book leading to another.
Below are just a few which might be less of a rant and have more in depth research or a stronger story to tell:
I have written 163 articles for this blog over the last 15 years. Many have been a “bit of a rant” as one of my dear friends has gently commented (Thanks Bill) 😉
If you read nothing else, please read a few of these:-
04/06/2011 Our water supply sold off by Thatcher Just one of Margaret Thatcher’s many crimes against the people!
18/02/2014 Palestine / Israel & the Single State Solution (SSS) This counters everything you hear on the news, see if you agree?
26/06/2018 Anti-Semitic, its meaning and a history of its misuse “Its a trick we always use” says a former Israeli minister.
09/04/2013 Thatcher’s legacy? Gimme strength! An analysis of our worst ever Prime Minister
24/01/2017 Brexit, the Supreme Court, lawyers and logic This had the highest number of thumbs up (until my website broke in April 2023)
19/08/2015 The UK of GB, a brief history of the future Scotland, the West Lothian question and devolution
09/10/2023 The US and UK support for Israel is way past its sell by date Why ‘unwavering support for Israel is wrong’ .
12/08/2022 Privatisation – Water good idea eh? An analysis of the worst of Thatcher’s many crimes and incompetence
09/08/2022 China – I told you so
10/02/2022 John Major’s extraordinary hypocrisy today Some people should know when to keep quiet – he doesn’t.
13/02/2021 China shows its true face; world governments must ACT! The rise of the world’s worst tyranny (even tops Russia IMHO)
25/02/2019 My last post on Brexit; even I can take no more My second ‘last word’ on Brexit etc.
29/03/2015 Why I am an atheist A video of Stephen Fry on ‘God’ in from Irish TV – a classic
25/08/2014 from the Defender of all Faiths Charles doing a sword dance with his Saudi friends
11/11/2013 Jacob Rees Mogg make a sound leave argument 3 years before the EU referendum His speech made me read the Maastricht Treaty
12/02/2013 Pope Benedict’s resignation. Shocked? Moi? This truly unchristian protector of paedophile priests is exposed
14/10/2012 Two facts you may not know about the Maastricht Treaty Yup – I read this pile of poo and provide some brief insights
19/03/2012 First they came for our forests and then the NHS More appalling policy decisions from the Tory party
26/05/2012 Blackadder explains the Euro to Baldrick Sums up the EU with humour which is a trick worth learning
15/05/2012 Defender of the faith..? How odd that Charles is supposedly ‘defending’ Roman Catholicism and not Anglican Protestantism
05/12/2011 My final word on the Euro LaLaLand My first ‘last word’ on Brexit etc 😉
18/05/2011 NHS reforms make me want to weep! The Tory party at its worst; this is the start of the disaster for the NHS made by governments
16/05/2011 Daniel Hannan destroys Gordon Brown, a classic Few words from me, they were not needed – enjoy!