Vince is right (again) & Nick is wrong (as usual)(updated)

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Party conference poppycock 2013 Part 1 – the Lib Dems.

Vince Cable Business Minister, remember him? He ‘s the chap who foresaw the banking crash, the credit crunch and says that George Osborne is wrong about signs of economic recovery. He is still seen by everyone as someone who has principles and vision.

Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister,  remember him?

Why Trust Nick Clegg? A BBC debate with students – see here on Youtube

He’s the chap who lied about his principles to students and forever lost any trust the public might have had.

He is seen now by everyone as desperate to keep political power at any cost.

Vince has  decided not to attend today’s Lib Dem conference debate on the economy! Because he has principles!(see Update below).

Nick is so desperate for power at any cost his principles are seen to be sham.

If the Lib Dems don’t ditch Clegg they are forever lost – Bye Bye! Nobody “agrees with Nick ” anymore.

Party politics – pah, poo & poppycock! (I would have preferred to say bollocks)

Update: Ooops! 24hrs is a long time in politics. Vince was made to turn up & vote in favour of the silly motion. Can’t trust any politician it seems (I thought I already knew that too – ah well.)


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