Cameraman, the EU & the pointless charade

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Leave” voters disliked the behemoth EU bureaucracy in Brussels, Belgium. As Conservative energy minister and Member of Parliament Andrea Leadsom explained during a debate over the referendum

Everyone I meet who is even minimally interested in the EU, knows that Cameraman’s EU negotiations have been pointless from the start. The charade continues to be supported by the BBC and most journalists because ‘the story‘ fills up the time available for news broadcasts and keeps everyone busy.

There is no reason at all to link the date of the promised referendum to what Cameraman is doing. Yet this is being presented as being a necessary step!

Absolute poppycock. (I would have preferred to use the word bollocks, but Chaucerian invective is out of fashion, so I am told).

Jacob Rees Mogg said it  if too politely (please watch him by clicking on the “said it” link) ; “what has been asked for is fundamentally trivial”,  “two of the four demands are gradually happening anyway”, “the third demand will never be accepted and the fourth part (the time delay for benefits availability) would not make very much difference to the numbers of EU immigrants coming here.

Simple facts have been ignored. Britain is the fifth largest economy in the world with Germany fourth and France sixth. Italy is eighth and the Netherlands seventeenth and the other 23 member states are way down the list. Child benefit in Romania is £2 per week and £16 here. In short, the economies are so diverse that “ever closer union” is just plain daft and a common currency was always daft.

The reason so many people want to come to Britain is that we have a higher standard of living, a humane police force, stability and Radio 4. Well OK, perhaps that last one is more about me than them 😉 , but we have a culture that is the envy of the world and a minimum wage to drool over, if you are Romanian that is.

Cameron’s original idea of “reform” was supposed to apply to all EU members, remember that? Well, the so called ‘trivial’ reforms, if ever agreed, will only ever apply to Britain. The whole process is meaningless, time consuming drivel.

What Cameraman has not demanded are the really important things:

a) Financial competence please: The EU is systemically incapable of financial competence. Nineteen years of accounts which cannot be supported by its auditors! Yup, the EU’s accounts have never provided a “true and fair view” of financial matters.

b) Democracy please: The EU is undemocratic by design. The MEPs (salaries vastly higher than our own MPs) have no say on policy and spend most of their time arguing over wording in committees for legislation that most people in Europe find irritating, pointless or plain daft.

c) Immigration control please. Measures which make sense to you and me.

d) The Euro is a daft currency, based purely on party political desires rather than any economic common sense. Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain are still as bust as they were 3 years ago and the danger of the Euro collapsing has not gone away. The German Central bank is now charging negative interest to some depositors! The whole economics of the Euro is a joke. The EU is hell bent on supporting the banking system rather than the little people (that’s you and me and your Polish plumber whose kids still live in Poland).

e) The EU is too beholden to corporate interests, and the behind-closed-doors negotiations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) confirm this. This poses a huge threat to our environmental standards, consumer protections and workers’ rights. If you don’t know what TTIP is then please find out!

f) We would like the EEC back please – that sort of made sense.

We need to get out of this oversized, potty political union as soon as possible before it bankrupts us.

The only beneficiaries of staying in the EU are globalised business and oversized banks.

I’m a person, just like you dear reader, with common sense.


VOTE LEAVE, it will be alright, really it will.

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1 thought on “Cameraman, the EU & the pointless charade

  1. personally, now that we are committed up to our neck with certain condition I would like us to stay there…1, Getting rid of Europian courts.. 2, abolishing the so called Human rights, 3, stopping exodus to United Kingdom totally….as my last contribution, Stop messing about with smokers rights….and Stop Charging for Hospital Car parks, as long as one have written pass from Hospital for the period… I require so little you might have noticed 🙂


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