Musk analysed by Sam Harris and others – a scary but necessary read

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Rate this postI am saddened that we have to discuss Elon Musk who has rapidly become a severe danger to us all, along with Trump. Musk appears to have the emotional maturity of a ten year old. His Nazi salute was an outrage but cheered on by Trump’s deluded followers. A former close friend of his, Sam Harris, a neuroscientist and philosopher, describes in some detail how Musk has, over 15 years or so, descended into the ignorant nutcase he has

Read More Musk analysed by Sam Harris and others – a scary but necessary read

Chapter 15 What’s so wrong with the monarchy?

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Rate this postPrince Andrew’s latest example of corruption has encouraged me to release another Chapter of my book ‘British Politics is broken, but…‘ This is for those of you who have not bought my book but who might be just persuaded to read or listen to this complete chapter. Just below is the Audible version where you may hear my mellifluous tones reading the full chapter. Today’s Royal family are the anachronistic remnants of a feudal and barbaric group who

Read More Chapter 15 What’s so wrong with the monarchy?

Chapter-16-A-possible-future-without-party-politics audio and transcript

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Rate this postThis is for those of you who have not bought my book but who might be persuaded to read or hear this chapter in full. The first 15 chapters explain, in jaw dropping detail, why our current system disables long term decision making. Those chapters also show how and why all but one of our post war Prime Ministers are ‘crap‘ (I quote Jeremy Paxman) at administering and managing our country. Their historic policy cock-ups continue to waste

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Israel / Gaza / Hamas – the Saudi ambassador to the UK talks sense!

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Rate this postThe world news is reporting on little more than madness and tragedy. But the the way the news on the middle east is being reported is ridiculously poor. The history of the current situation is being ignored and I make the case for better reporting below. I have to say first that I am not a supporter of the misogynistic regime in Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UK Prince Khalid bin Bandar Al Saud was

Read More Israel / Gaza / Hamas – the Saudi ambassador to the UK talks sense!

Why the July Election? Sunak wants out ASAP!

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Rate this postOne of my dear readers once called me prescient when I was writing years ago about the rise of Isis and Chinese aggression. This was well before any of our politicians could see the problem or dared to point it out. Therefore I am taking a very small risk by proposing the real reason for Sunak’s July election announcement. He will resign within days of Labour’s pathetic victory and go back to being a quiet billionaire. David ‘Cameraman’

Read More Why the July Election? Sunak wants out ASAP!

– Why British politics and democracy is broken

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Rate this postThere is no simple solution because we have no charismatic, statesman-like politicians speaking common sense to the people; and we have our own broadcast media talking endlessly about pointless fluff. Until that states-person arrives on the scene, our rivers will continue to be polluted by our poo and China and Russia will continue their aggression unopposed. My book poses a quite possible, but radical solution and I wish all fifth and sixth form school kids and students plus

Read More – Why British politics and democracy is broken

Kindle and Audible versions free to download for a month

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Rate this postHi All This offer refers to ‘British politics is broken, BUT, how we might just fix it’. The Kindle version can be read on your iPad or phone, just download the Kindle reader app. for your device. Go to the offer page:- If you do use this free download, and read or listen to the book, please write a review on Amazon. Thank you Derek

British politics is broken – now published on Amazon

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Rate this postMy main message is that if we carry on with our current ‘Party’ based political system we speed up Britain’s further decline. You might just recognise the cover because I am re-publishing ‘The Normal Curve’ as ‘British politics is broken’. The reason for this is that a thoroughly detailed review of the book was given to me by Tim, who remains a dear friend despite a fair amount of negative but valid criticism 😉 As a result of

Read More British politics is broken – now published on Amazon

The ‘West’ needs to ‘wake up’ NOW plus the Rwanda bill

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Rate this postBy ‘the West’ I mean the UK, the USA, the EU, Australia,  Canada, New Zealand and quite a few other democracies. Do we really want China to move on Taiwan? Do we really want Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to succeed? Our current message to Putin and Xi is “do what you like” we won’t stop you! Madness! The pointless government & media focus on Rwanda Currently our politicians and the BBC seem to think the most important thing

Read More The ‘West’ needs to ‘wake up’ NOW plus the Rwanda bill

Tory party? RIP

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Rate this postJust when I thought it couldn’t get more improbable and worse, it did. David Cameraman appointed as Foreign Secretary? I have just picked myself up from the floor laughing my socks off. Braverman is gone but two months too late. The Labour party may cheer up a bit but with Starmer in charge they are lost too. Sunak, in my humble opinion, whilst not too dangerous has no vision for Britain. There is nobody left who makes any

Read More Tory party? RIP

Why the West’s support for Israel is flawed

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Rate this postThe US and UK support for Israel is way past its sell by date. Biden’s response of “unwavering support for Israel” was chilling to hear . He and Sunak have learned nothing from history! I understand the violent attacks by Hamas because they have been side-lined by the UK, France, the USA and the UN since 1948. I do not support their violence, nor do I understand why Israel’s president Netanyahu is not in jail for corruption, but

Read More Why the West’s support for Israel is flawed

5% has been the average interest rate for the last 200 years!

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Rate this postA few facts about bank interest rates ‘Like most people of my generation who have lived through the period of hyper interest rates, of as high as 17% and inflation averaging in the teens in the 1970s, I am baffled by how long and how low-interest rates and inflation in the UK have lasted in recent years.'(*1) I find the current media doom-fest of the return to an historically average interest rate just nauseating. The current panic stories

Read More 5% has been the average interest rate for the last 200 years!

The PM waiting at platform 10 is departing soon

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Rate this postLiz Truss announces her resigantion – 46 days! Liz Truss’s main features : Incompetence ignorance pomposity delusion and hopefully her train arrives soon I give her 10 days at most… If you haven’t seen Michael Spicer on YouTube and fancy a belly laugh please watch “An MP said to me”

Hurrah for Biden’s arms sales to Taiwan. But where is the UK and the rest of the west ?

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Rate this postChina has been lambasting the west for at least thirty years We have been scared to death of upsetting them because of our increasing dependency on their cheap (and largely crap) goods. We are to blame in not publicly seeing their stated desire to replace the the largely democratic West with a tyranny based on Thatcherism / Reaganomics on steroids. Since Xi Jinping voted himself in for eternity things have just gone from bad to completely unacceptable. USA’s

Read More Hurrah for Biden’s arms sales to Taiwan. But where is the UK and the rest of the west ?

Privatisation – Water good idea eh?

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Rate this postWater privatisation? Thatcher’s legacy? Gimme strength! All of us should understand why we are in such a mess with our water supply. In reality, only a few of us do, certainly not the BBC interviewers when questioning the water supply companies. Their ignorance is jaw dropping. The simple fact is that the UK of GB has more than enough water, even now, to supply everybody’s needs. The UK is very lucky in this respect. To quote Paul Waugh of

Read More Privatisation – Water good idea eh?

China – I told you so
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Rate this postThis post first appeared in 2021 and several more earlier should have alerted western governments to the danger that the Chinese tyranny has become. In ten years time China will have destroyed everything we hold dear. Democracy human rights control of the world’s natural resources etc. The UK, the USA, the UN, the EU and all other democratic countries must act NOW! Recognise Taiwan as a sovereign state Accelerate the return of manufacturing stuff back to where it

Read More China – I told you so

John Major’s extraordinary hypocrisy today

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Rate this postToday John Major slated the current Conservative government, for the second time, for its lies and hypocrisy. He is probably correct in what he said but… Have the journalists who televised this man’s words forgotten what he did whilst Prime Minister between 1990 and 1997? Back to basics In 1993 he introduced a policy called Back To Basics. He intended this to be a nostalgic appeal to traditional values such as “neighbourliness, decency and courtesy. Just prior to

Read More John Major’s extraordinary hypocrisy today

Afghanistan – Hurrah for Biden’s words

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Rate this postAt last! Some objective truth emerges from a USA president’s lips. Biden just said that American troops would no longer fight for a people who would not fight for themselves. “And here’s what I believe to my core: It is wrong to order American troops to step up when Afghanistan’s own armed forces would not.  If the political leaders of Afghanistan were unable to come together for the good of their people, unable to negotiate for the future

Read More Afghanistan – Hurrah for Biden’s words

Harry, Gaza and the Diana BBC interview

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Rate this postThe BBC and that Panorama interview Despite what Price William’s statement today is trying to do, i.e. divert attention away from the dying days of the Windsor Royals, the biggest problem here is not Martin Bashir or the BBC cover up, although both are pretty tawdry. The real problem was Prince Charles’ and the Royal family’s attitude to marriage. Diana was a naïve young woman who had a tragic connection to a glittery but flawed medieval regime. She

Read More Harry, Gaza and the Diana BBC interview

Islamophobia in Batley?

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Rate this postWords and their changed meaning The process of that change fascinates me. First we need a definition from the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Then I will move on to what happened at Batley Grammar School. The OED states that a phobia is an irrational fear of something. So Islamophobia should therefore mean ‘an irrational fear of Islam’. Now it apparently means  “a hatred of Islam”. That change of meaning has turned into that ridiculous recent creation, viz. a

Read More Islamophobia in Batley?

Harry and Meghan: an alternative view

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Rate this postThe media & our dear Aunty BBC explored Recently, the many difficult issues that the world continues to face have been overwhelmed by the media focussing on trivia spouted by self interested spoiled brats and endless pages on the health of a man who is nearly 100. It would be interesting to hear from those of you who might agree with me and those that think I am a grumpy, disillusioned old man who has lost the plot

Read More Harry and Meghan: an alternative view

China shows its true face; world governments must ACT!

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Rate this postTime to act on China, I link to a Sunday Times article written in July 2020 A page or so down, I link to a Sunday Times article written in July 2020. It traces Covid-19 from 2011 to 2019. An illuminating article which few seem to have read. It is long but worth the effort. It reinforces the position that Covid-19 really is “the Chinese virus”. I read it, open mouthed, when it first appeared in print last

Read More China shows its true face; world governments must ACT!

“No one is above the law”; if only that were true…

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Rate this post“No one is above the law”; if only that were true… I quote Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, speaking on January 13th 2021. She said it as she confirmed the second impeachment of Donald Trump. The very fact that she even needed to say those words yesterday reflects the depths to which democracy has descended in the USA. There are many ways in which politicians and the rich in the USA are above

Read More “No one is above the law”; if only that were true…

What we learned about China in 2020 …

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Rate this post.. and what we should do about it in 2021. My sources are all blue, bold, italics and underlined. Clicking on them reveals a good read! What we should do in 2021 having learned our lessons: Stop buying cheap stuff from China. It is NOT cheap. China’s goods were never cheap because we now know the real cost;  global pollution; climate change and failed capitalism. We must realise that local just has to be better than ever increasing

Read More What we learned about China in 2020 …

“The fairy tale of eternal economic growth”

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Rate this postI was going to entitle this article “The current BAME*1 game diversion”. I changed the title using Greta Thunberg’s words which are far more powerful exactly to the point. Dr Erich Schumacher made strong arguments against economic growth in his 1973 book “Small is beautiful (Economics as if people mattered)”. It is the most important guide to a sustainable future written in the last 100 years. I wish our business leaders and politicians had read it and then

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China’s future and ours; lessons from Covid-19?

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Rate this postFor the last 40 years or so, China’s financial, business, political and cultural effect on our world has been a disaster. A disaster both  for the Chinese themselves and for most of us. China’s cultural attitudes to selling “fresh” food and massively increased exports have exported their native bat diseases. Lessons have NOT been learned.  SARS and MERS were both created in the same way. Fresh, wriggling and fluttering food is sold all over China in open market conditions

Read More China’s future and ours; lessons from Covid-19?

Our leaders’ decisions are mostly bonkers, why?

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Rate this postReading the news, since the 12th December2019  election, has been quite illuminating but equally depressing. I’m not talking about global warming, plastic waste pollution or the ever increasing ability of our politicians to “take responsibility” by just saying the words but remaining in place. I’m talking about the ridiculous decisions being taken, about to be taken, not taken or avoided by those whose job it is to make competent decisions. Many of the decision making processes used by

Read More Our leaders’ decisions are mostly bonkers, why?

General election Q & A – Happy Maastricht ;-)

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Rate this postYippeee! Another general election 😉 the third since the five year fixed term parliament act came into err “force” in 2011. Your Christmas General Election quiz starts here. Just 10 questions to answer. There may be prizes (Ed: I doubt it …) The biggest question left for me is “does this Boris Johnson’s exit deal actually give us freedom from the EU?”. My current understanding is that it still ties us into EU rules (for some years) and

Read More General election Q & A – Happy Maastricht 😉

David Cameron’s hypocrisy today

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Rate this postHaving just read the front page of today’s Sunday Times, I just  had to make this short comment on David Cameron’s hypocrisy and his blatant attempt at self publicity. Just before the 2016 referendum he gave this televised promise “… I will implement the people’s decision whatever the outcome..”. He then resigned the very next day running away from his promise and then hid for three years in his caravan writing his self congratulatory memoir. His quote yesterday

Read More David Cameron’s hypocrisy today

Politics redefined and now Trust redefined. Duck palace anyone?

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Rate this postPolitics used to mean “Of the people for the people”. Politics now means “Of the MPs and for the MPs”. And, of course, for the supporting 24/7 Westminster bubble journalism industry. No Deal was the default position voted for by MPs in 2016! By a huge majority. MPs then voted a further three times to make Brexit happen on March 29th 2019. What changed? A Prime Minister brow beaten by Brussels bureaucrats because she didn’t understand what to

Read More Politics redefined and now Trust redefined. Duck palace anyone?

Our MPs are simply ignoring the wishes of the British people

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Rate this postMay I try to put the childish, irrelevant “furious backlash“, as reported today by the BrBC (British Remoaning Broadcasting Corporation), into some logical context? You may have guessed that I am for leaving the EU by now 😉 The Remainers have been told effectively to shut by Boris. Hurrah for him! This is why: Our MPs are simply ignoring the wishes of the British people. In 2016 the people were asked by our government to make the decision,

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Is democracy dead? Are you bothered? Am I?

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Rate this postThere are a few simple truths at the heart of our disillusion with politics & politicians No political party has dared to tell us that we can’t afford to pay for all our pensions, the NHS, social care and all those public services that we now demand “as of right”. The welfare state has weakened the government’s ability to break even? It was never envisaged, back in 1947, that is was to become such a huge part of

Read More Is democracy dead? Are you bothered? Am I?

My last post on Brexit; even I can take no more

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Rate this postIt is not about you MPs – it is about the 17.4 million of us! The sight of those silly school girls & boys skipping down the road away from their political parties was just sickening. Who do those adolescent MPs, who have never created anything of worth, think they are? It is simply not about them or their failed political parties. It is about us, the 17.4 million of “We the People” remember them / us /

Read More My last post on Brexit; even I can take no more

Brexit, echoes of PeterLoo & referenda

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Rate this postMPs are now so disconnected from the public that the current situation echoes events just prior to PeterLoo* in 1819. I saw the film PeterLoo last Friday and the political & economic similarities are hard to miss. Parliament and the Prince Regent (the King was mentally ill and incapable at that time) sent cavalry into a crowded Manchester square.  Sixteen people were killed and seven hundred were seriously injured. The discontent of the people? Pah, send in the

Read More Brexit, echoes of PeterLoo & referenda

Mrs (Gollum) May debating with her dark side Brexit deal

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Rate this postAndy Serkis’ video shows Theresa Gollum May debating with her dark side. Her Brexit deal was her ‘precious’. So good – made my day The Andy Serkis YouTube video below is a classic:

The Brexit smokescreen unmasked & let’s see more of …

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Rate this postA short constitutional overview A referendum is the most powerful democratic tool we have. It is, and was in 2016, a direct call to ” we the people ” to have our say. But our confused party politicians hate that level of direct democracy because it sidesteps what they think is their job 😉 This explains why around 500 members of parliament are doing all they can to reverse the clear instruction given to them in 2016. Our

Read More The Brexit smokescreen unmasked & let’s see more of …

Brexit solved at last; are you ready?

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Rate this postWhilst walking my dog this morning I had a chat with a fellow philosopher He is a bit younger than me, so quite representative of our respective generations. In five minutes we had solved many issues which had defied our best political brains for two years (Ed: Err, better get some new brains in quick then). We agreed that we are just about to lose our best ever chance of sorting out “the troubles”, the unification of Ireland

Read More Brexit solved at last; are you ready?

Brexit on Theresa May’s terms would be the worst of all worlds

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Rate this postI am quoting Daniel Hannan an MEP writing in the Telegraph (on-line) a few days ago. Daniel is a Conservative MEP and someone who has been very critical of the EU’s systemic hypocrisy, inefficiency and financial incompetence for many years, as have I. Whether or not you are or were a Remainer or leaver, this current policy direction is beyond daft; it is criminal incompetence from Theresa May who is either so confused by what she thinks she

Read More Brexit on Theresa May’s terms would be the worst of all worlds

Salzburg, time for May to walk away, enough is enough

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Rate this postThe BBC’s ridiculous pro-Remain stance is irritating enough, but the Salzburg EU Brexit meeting has exposed Theresa May, yet again, to be completely clueless. I have been saying this for months here and here and here. Do the BBC, Theresa May & Dominic Raab really think we are all stupid? The EU’s delusional bureaucracy is simply fighting for its very existence. It is scared shitless of the domino effect once we, the second largest net contributor, leave. The

Read More Salzburg, time for May to walk away, enough is enough