I summarise some recent news and offer a long term solution as human misery is being played out at Europe’s borders.
- Hundreds of thousands of foreign Muslims are trying to migrate to northern Europe from Syria and Iraq, to name but two countries.
- A few hundred British Muslims have left for Syria to help set up an Islamic Caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq.
- I wonder if those travelling to Syria have wondered why so many of their Muslim brothers and sisters are trying to escape from Islam’s shiny new Caliphate?
- I wonder why the following, rich and Muslim, countries have not taken in a single refugee or asylum seeker; Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)?
Safeguarding & Prevent
I heard a few Muslim school children being interviewed, on BBC Radio 4’s Today program last week, at Kirkleas college in Huddersfield. The government is so concerned about this college that it has been designated a priority area for Safeguarding & Prevent. Those weird poli-speak words mean anti-brainwashing plus a scheme to encourage locals to identify potential jihadi teenagers).
A special team has been installed, in the college, to help fight so-called radicalisation. Polly Harrow, the head of the Safeguarding and Prevent team, failed to criticise those students who had anti-gay views, and actually said ‘Its your right to hold those views in private, but to voice them in public might be breaking the law!’
So, so gentle and so, so missing the opportunity to correct or offer an alternative view.
She might have added that to oppose the smallest IS law means death! She further hinted that the children’s parents were keeping quiet and were of no help at all.
Equality & diversity is the right way?
Equality & diversity is being promoted rather than a criticism of primitive views as part of government policy to fight radicalisation.
Respect for homo phobia was OK it seems as long as you don’t shout about it!
The ignorance and primitive views held by these children was truly horrifying, here are a few quotes:
- ‘I don’t blame dem, they are looking for a better laaf, a luxury laaf out dare (meaning Syria)’
- ‘Its da new new trend” (for boys to wanna go out dare)’
- ‘Yeah, I’d go, its my raght innit?’
I wonder where that last young man thought he got his rights from? Forget your raghts in IS fairyland. Try to leave IS and you are beheaded or worse.
These kids, often educated separately from British mainstream views, had no idea of the reason their grandparents came here in the first place.
The Today interview Radio 4, 18th September 07:32 – 07:42, is available on iPlayer if you can stomach it!
The rest of this article is all about a long term and lasting solution. Shorter term actions that need to be taken by world politicians are probably best advised by organisations like the Quilliam Foundation who have an in depth understanding of the Middle East.
Even such eminent think tanks seem unable to challenge the fundamental elephant in the room, faith.
The European Enlightenment (The Age of Reason)
Long term, we can only defeat Islamic state (IS) with the philosophy of the European Enlightenment, wherein reason replaced faith.
The philosophy of those ancient Greek philosophers, Socrates and Plato (Confucius and the Buddha were on the right track too), modified and developed by many free thinking European minds in the 17th /18th centuries, is a message of reason, debate and intelligent questioning of everything. It was mankind’s coming of age, a recognition that each one of us is responsible for ourselves and each other.
Or rather, it should have been. Vested interests, the monarchy, politicians, and faith pedlars, all of whom have a lot of power to lose, used all the power they had to keep primitive belief systems in mainstream thought.
My plan, if ever implemented, would however take around 50 years, i.e. two to three generations to work. But, it would work.
This of course cannot happen with a political system built on policies that work on a three year party political cycle, so welcome to the almost inevitable Islamic state of Great Britain of 2045.
However, this plan will work, must be set in motion and is the only plan that could work.
Here is the why (the how is a bit more difficult to arrange).
Long term decisions need to be made, but, actions to be started now:-
1) Recognise that faith is an irrational state of mind, formed when young minds are most malleable and open to subversion. A young mind, infected with faith, accepts fairy tales as truths which are almost impossible to remove in later life. Faith induces a childish mental state of dependency wherein individuals no longer think for themselves and crave a higher authority to look after them. Faith is dangerous because it is irrational. Differing faiths cannot ever agree because each person, infected with their own faith virus strain, feels strongly that theirs is the only true one! Furthermore, that feeling of righteousness leads to violence where young minds are rendered unable to question their particular version of theocratic nonsense.
2) Therefore, we must cease teaching faith as a worthwhile state of mind to children. Children must be protected from faith.
3) Recognise that publicly funded faith schools are socially divisive and must be slowly converted to secular schools, over a few years. Philosophy would be taught from the age of 4 rather than RE.
4) Privately funded religious schools are declared socially divisive and are closed down, or reformed if possible, as part of the plan.
This faith virus explains why so many, apparently well western educated doctors and engineers have been turned into jihadi fighters.
These are vital for the creation of a nation of young minds who have been trained to ask questions rather that accept dogma.
It should logically follow, that the Church of England is disestablished from government. Once that has happened, there really is no further justification for a constitutional monarchy, other than for the arguable requirements of the tourism industry. Yes, I know this is hard to accept, but the logical consequence of promoting reason over faith is a generation of children who have been taught to think for themselves. The removal of all religion to the private sphere is the best government can do to stem the crisis.
Short term actions:-
1) ISIS returnees, what to do? Either, send them back as they return, or, tear up their passports and put them into holding cells. If they really want to live here, then they are tagged and forced to attend philosophy classes.
However, there is no time to re-educate most of them, the damage has been done by our own education system!
2) The USA forces Israel to merge with Palestine as per the Single State Solution.
3) The armed forces of the USA, France, Britain and Russia (the main culprits in creating the middle East crisis after WW1!) crush Syria’s Assad and replace him with a secular government. Yes we will have to bribe Russia and China behind the scenes but since they are both as bust as is the West is, they will hopefully see sense?
Don’t want to do that?
Think its all impossible?
Unnecessarily alarmist?
Well that’s not going to happen is it?
No, well, I suppose you are right.
The European Enlightenment is dismissed as ‘old fashioned’ by Prince Charles our Defender of all faiths, so we are stuffed.
Welcome to Londonistahn, new capital of the Islamic Caliphate of Ingerland 2045 innit.
Acknowledgement: The Dry bones blog for the cartoon
PS: I use the term IS as opposed to ISIS, ISIL etc. because that is what they call themselves.