Salzburg, time for May to walk away, enough is enough

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The BBC’s ridiculous pro-Remain stance is irritating enough, but Salzburg has exposed Theresa May, yet again, to be completely clueless. I have been saying this for months here and here and here.

Do the BBC, Theresa May & Dominic Raab really think we are all stupid?

The EU’s delusional bureaucracy is simply fighting for its very existence. It is scared shitless of the domino effect once we, the second largest net contributor, leave.

The EU is a failed organisation run by failed politicians and tax avoidance specialists. It is incapable of realising, as David Cameron found out to his cost, that their future depends on sensible changes to the preposterous way they run things.

May’s technical people, the ones who know how things work, have all deserted the sinking ship that is the Tory party. They together with David Davis, hoped that the EU & Theresa May would see the sensible but fair way forward and hoped, somewhat irrationally, that the EU would also see.

Labour and the Liberals sank with Milliband and Clegg and are all still at sea too. Help!

‘Tis the same with politicians and journalists in the Westmonster (spelled correctly) village. They speak the same language but only listen to words from like minded narrow focused professionals who spout the same bollocks.

Meanwhile, the rest of us can see that the EU is a dreadful example of humanity’s stupidity and ignorance.

The Euro is simply daft and cannot ever work for Greece & Germany at the same time because the Euro is effectively the Deutsch-mark.

The EEC was just about acceptable as a way to stop Germany starting another world war but Churchill never intended that we join the damn organisation!

Even, my pet hate, Margaret Thatcher, who was a disaster for the UK in so many ways, saw the stupidity of Maastricht and would never have signed the damn treaty that created the EU.

Please watch her famous “No, No No speech here. One of the finest moments of our history, now all but forgotten by anyone under 40.

Mrs May, for Pete’s sake do not waste any more time on the EU, they are in denial of their own inevitable demise, as are you.

Instead start working on a successful No Deal exit on March 29th 2019.

Then you can focus on things like:-

  1. Keeping the lights on as we close coal & nuclear powered stations destined for closure over the next few years.
  2. Making sure that Amazon, Google etc., Facebook, Vodaphone, et al pay realistic tax to HMRC. Stop them laughing at the UK for its damn stupid tax regime
  3. Don’t worry about UK businesses, they will sort themselves out, as the successful ones always do.
  4. Population control. That requires a 50 year plan and some careful wise thought processes…
  5. NHS, educashun, HS2, Northern Ireland government self rule and so many more it makes my teeth hurt.
  6. Your legacy might then mean something …

There are so many more important issues for any government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain to be worried about. far more so than the ridiculous EU.

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