As the old joke goes “Is the Pope a Catholic?” in other words, the answer to the question just asked is Yes, obviously!

Catholic he may be, but Christian? No.
The new PR man at the Vatican, Pope Francis, has made the most ridiculous statement supporting a violent response to those who poke fun at religion.
He would ‘punch‘ anyone who mocks the irrational belief in the invisible, whatever variety of religious silliness is being mocked.
This is in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus, his supposed boss (for heaven’s sake ;-0 ) who would, of course, have turned the other cheek.
Pope Francis was talking about the Charlie Hebdo attacks and said that he quite understood the action taken. Unbelievable! (Later, the Vatican tried to soft pedal the idiotic statement, but to no avail.)
The latest Pope has shown us how far from Jesus’ teaching the Roman Catholic church has strayed.
What a silly billy, but thanks for showing yourself up and making the case for atheism and secularism for us!
PS: Even Dave Cameraman has publicly stated his opposition to Popey’s pronouncements!
Well done Dave (I never thought I’d say that!)