Sub-title: Sell your Chinese ‘Emerging Market’ stocks soon – you heard it here first. 😯
It hasn’t rained much this year. In fact it is looking like being one of the driest years ever and the trend is probably going to continue.
The UK water supply should be owned by the UK

A significant majority of British people believe that the water supply is so vital that it should be run as a not-for-profit public service.
However, the Westminster establishment consensus is that it should continue to be run by foreign governments and overseas corporations.
So, I ask, where is the joined up thinking, the planning and investment designed to improve matters now before we find out out that it is too late? Answer is there none. That’s because the problem is not really an issue for the owners of our water supply – they will just put the price up to maintain profits – easy; in any case they don’t live here so “not a problem” then…
If you want to see who owns our water supply you can check at the Office of Fair Trading website for an answer, but to summarise – Northern Ireland actually owns its water; Spain owns Scottish water supply; but (from here on in the news gets progressively worse); Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea own England’s water and Canada owns Wales’ water. Hedge funds (of course) are somewhere in there but it is very difficult to find out the detail.
If you, like me, think this is just too daft to be true then … WAKE UP!
When that short sighted, criminally stupid woman (Margaret Thatcher, if you were wondering), sold off our water supply to foreign investors in 1989 she forgot (because she probably didn’t care enough to think) to put terms into the deal that would protect the British public from profiteering bastards (I use the term loosely, because what else can you call men who care only for the creation of immorally created piles of dosh for themselves?).
Perhaps Mrs T can see now clearly that water is becoming a bit of a problem for those in low rainfall areas. Nothing however like the problem that those criminals in China (the Chinese government if you were wondering…) who are in the early stages of overseeing China’s economic doom for the simple lack of a clean water supply and who have embraced the West’s philosophy of believing that money actually exists.
Britain’s water supply should be owned by the population of that country.
Britain’s electricity energy grid belongs to the British people not, as it currently seems to be, Germany, Spain, South Korea and Canada. There are many more examples of this past and continuing lunacy in my second book, ‘British politics is broken, BUT…’. (Update in 2024 that’s thirteen years after this post was written)
The world’s population is past the point where natural resources are enough.
Obvious is it not? Apparently not, to successive British governments formed by that strange class of people we refer to as “party politicians”.
This “privatisation” has become a disaster waiting too happen, not just for us, but for the USA, China and many other countries.
Governments dare not tackle population control (no votes in that!) and can’t act on resources because they sold them! We the people should own our natural resources.
The reason that Thatcher’s potty government made Privatisation seem like a good thing was simply that, even then, Britain had run out of money (Ed: not since before the 1st world war have we actually been in the black) so in order to make herself look good she misused North Sea Oil revenues, sold off Council (sorry “Social” (yuk)) Housing so she could reduce taxes and fight a New Colonial war with Argentina.
Hose pipe ban? What hose pipe ban …?
[…] This is the first national media outlet I have spotted that agrees with what I wrote in 2011. […]
I quite agree, science gives us the data to make decisions based on reason. Category ‘science’ is duly added and I look forward to your first post!
Please email it to me and I will add it, after which you will be free to add posts upon which others may comment. Welcome to the blogosphere 🙂
Derek I feel that you are missing an opportunity to discuss a couple of big issues (I am interested in global warming and the use of nuclear power). I have read authoritative reports that sea level will rise by over 15m in the next 50 years, flooding every major city on earth and inundating up to 80% of arable land. In UK alone we store a ton less of plutonium than we create (it must be lost to the biosphere). A nanogram of the stuff can cause cancer and genetic damage repeatedly for over 35000 years. Another of Thatcher’s legacies to celebrate. Wot about a science category?