Musk analysed by Sam Harris and others – a scary but necessary read

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Rate this postI am saddened that we have to discuss Elon Musk who has rapidly become a severe danger to us all, along with Trump. Musk appears to have the emotional maturity of a ten year old. His Nazi salute was an outrage but cheered on by Trump’s deluded followers. A former close friend of his, Sam Harris, a neuroscientist and philosopher, describes in some detail how Musk has, over 15 years or so, descended into the ignorant nutcase he has

Read More Musk analysed by Sam Harris and others – a scary but necessary read

Chapter 15 What’s so wrong with the monarchy?

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Rate this postPrince Andrew’s latest example of corruption has encouraged me to release another Chapter of my book ‘British Politics is broken, but…‘ This is for those of you who have not bought my book but who might be just persuaded to read or listen to this complete chapter. Just below is the Audible version where you may hear my mellifluous tones reading the full chapter. Today’s Royal family are the anachronistic remnants of a feudal and barbaric group who

Read More Chapter 15 What’s so wrong with the monarchy?

Chapter-16-A-possible-future-without-party-politics audio and transcript

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Rate this postThis is for those of you who have not bought my book but who might be persuaded to read or hear this chapter in full. The first 15 chapters explain, in jaw dropping detail, why our current system disables long term decision making. Those chapters also show how and why all but one of our post war Prime Ministers are ‘crap‘ (I quote Jeremy Paxman) at administering and managing our country. Their historic policy cock-ups continue to waste

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Israel / Gaza / Hamas – the Saudi ambassador to the UK talks sense!

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Rate this postThe world news is reporting on little more than madness and tragedy. But the the way the news on the middle east is being reported is ridiculously poor. The history of the current situation is being ignored and I make the case for better reporting below. I have to say first that I am not a supporter of the misogynistic regime in Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UK Prince Khalid bin Bandar Al Saud was

Read More Israel / Gaza / Hamas – the Saudi ambassador to the UK talks sense!

Thames Water trying to wriggle off the Ofwat hook

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Rate this postThe words below are all from We Own It, but this first paragraph is from me. I have supported ‘We Own It’ for several years and this is my small contribution to reverse what Thatcher did to us forty years ago. Please read this and then email Ofwat simply by clicking this link to We Own It. Thames Water have repeatedly broken their license to run a water company in England and the regulator has just fined them

Read More Thames Water trying to wriggle off the Ofwat hook

GB Energy: and our anachronistic monarchy

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Rate this postThe creation of GB Energy sounds like a very positive move from by new Labour government, and indeed it should be! But… … it means that 12% of the profits from it end up in the pocket of King Charles III! Unless of course the government just takes the Crown Estates back into public ownership. That would reverse the armed land grabs made by Edward III in 1337. More on that below. Sir Alec Douglas Home’s main claim

Read More GB Energy: and our anachronistic monarchy

Why the West’s support for Israel is flawed

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Rate this postThe US and UK support for Israel is way past its sell by date. Biden’s response of “unwavering support for Israel” was chilling to hear . He and Sunak have learned nothing from history! I understand the violent attacks by Hamas because they have been side-lined by the UK, France, the USA and the UN since 1948. I do not support their violence, nor do I understand why Israel’s president Netanyahu is not in jail for corruption, but

Read More Why the West’s support for Israel is flawed

Privatisation – Water good idea eh?

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Rate this postWater privatisation? Thatcher’s legacy? Gimme strength! All of us should understand why we are in such a mess with our water supply. In reality, only a few of us do, certainly not the BBC interviewers when questioning the water supply companies. Their ignorance is jaw dropping. The simple fact is that the UK of GB has more than enough water, even now, to supply everybody’s needs. The UK is very lucky in this respect. To quote Paul Waugh of

Read More Privatisation – Water good idea eh?

John Major’s extraordinary hypocrisy today

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Rate this postToday John Major slated the current Conservative government, for the second time, for its lies and hypocrisy. He is probably correct in what he said but… Have the journalists who televised this man’s words forgotten what he did whilst Prime Minister between 1990 and 1997? Back to basics In 1993 he introduced a policy called Back To Basics. He intended this to be a nostalgic appeal to traditional values such as “neighbourliness, decency and courtesy. Just prior to

Read More John Major’s extraordinary hypocrisy today

China shows its true face; world governments must ACT!

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Rate this postTime to act on China, I link to a Sunday Times article written in July 2020 A page or so down, I link to a Sunday Times article written in July 2020. It traces Covid-19 from 2011 to 2019. An illuminating article which few seem to have read. It is long but worth the effort. It reinforces the position that Covid-19 really is “the Chinese virus”. I read it, open mouthed, when it first appeared in print last

Read More China shows its true face; world governments must ACT!

My reply to Nigel Huddlestone’s response.

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Rate this postNigel’s response to my letter is just underneath my response to his response. Dear Mr Huddlestone Thank you for responding. I hope to change your mind eventually because we really have no real alternative. However, once again you miss my point entirely. The very existence of “faith” (i.e. irrational) schools is divisive and it has to be up to government to force the change. Government seems set on actively, but blindly, promoting a path of societal division and

Read More My reply to Nigel Huddlestone’s response.

My last post on Brexit; even I can take no more

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Rate this postIt is not about you MPs – it is about the 17.4 million of us! The sight of those silly school girls & boys skipping down the road away from their political parties was just sickening. Who do those adolescent MPs, who have never created anything of worth, think they are? It is simply not about them or their failed political parties. It is about us, the 17.4 million of “We the People” remember them / us /

Read More My last post on Brexit; even I can take no more

Anti-Semitic, its meaning and a history of its misuse

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Rate this postThe words anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic suffer from obfuscation (lies), misdirection and at its very heart, an absence of a rational definition. The current row about Anti-Semitism, and what most people think it means, is flawed and dishonest. It is made far worse by sensationalist journalism. Truth and a rational debate is almost impossible to find and to quote almost all the media, “We are all very upset and angry about all those nasty people who are anti-Semitic, particularly

Read More Anti-Semitic, its meaning and a history of its misuse

Brexit, the Supreme Court, lawyers and logic

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Rate this postThe Supreme Court is today ruling on something that really does not matter very much to ‘we the people’. Lawyers, who form the largest and probably the most vocal part of our so-called democracy have missed a very simple fact, on purpose. That fact is that a referendum is a direct approach to the people, and is the most powerful democratic tool that ‘we the people’ have. The executive, that is our government ministers, devolved the question of EU

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The immigrant crisis, an alternative view

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Rate this postOur dumbed down BBC news A BBC reporter was interviewing one persistent, but unsuccessful, immigrant on the recent death of his friend. “How are you feeling?” she asked. They were in a tent, “in the Jungle” the Calais camp site, where he had been living for the last month. “Oh it must be so sad for you to still see his shoe on the floor over there…” said the reporter, interviewing the man who cousin died last week

Read More The immigrant crisis, an alternative view

Why I am an atheist …

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Rate this postFrom Irish RTE TV channel program called The Meaning of Life. Fry was being interviewed for the Irish television show when he launched into an impassioned tirade about God’s existence. Stephen Fry, when he supposedly meets God, he says “How dare you create bone cancer in children! What’s that all about.” Just in case you have not seen this, I think Stephen Fry puts it quite well! Watch it on YouTube here  

UK’s education mess, clueless party politicians and Islamism

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Rate this postIn the UK we have private schools treated as charities for tax purposes for no good reason that most of us can see. Other than, perhaps, the establishment who made those tax rules to save themselves money on their children’s education. After all, they need to separate their offspring from the great unwashed (that’s you and me if you were wondering) and therefore invented charitable status to protect their socially divisive academies. We also have a divisive education

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China – the elephant in the room & two royal bores

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Rate this postChina’s economic miracle is to be feared Everywhere I look in today’s news, I see that few see China, as one of the biggest problems in our globalised world. But, most commentators see China’s “economic miracle” as something to be admired! In my view, China’s miracle is an example to be feared and then understood. Then dispatched to the history books as a colossal error by the human race. I see, as does dear Robert Peston, who has

Read More China – the elephant in the room & two royal bores

Good news from France & Poland, but not Britain

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Rate this postHere are two items of ground breaking news that you will not find mentioned at all on the BBC. French Education Minister Vincent Peillon unveils secularism charter for schools The first is so important to the philosophical development of mankind that it should be shouted from all roof tops. It is this:- The French Education Minister Vincent Peillon has unveiled the controversial secularism charter which is to be displayed in a prominent position in every school to remind

Read More Good news from France & Poland, but not Britain

‘You people will never be safe’ …

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Rate this postMuslim nutter calmly murders soldier Those chilling words spoken to camera by the calm murderer of a British soldier in Woolwich, London needs very careful interpretation. Islamic extremism engenders nationalist extremism – neither is the way to go, but how on earth can we stop it? There is no quick or easy solution but surely the education of Britain’s children is a solid place to start? Those with a voice, i.e. the government, the Muslim Council of ‘g’reat

Read More ‘You people will never be safe’ …

Two facts you may not know about the Maastricht Treaty…

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Rate this postEU now says it wants a federal Europe, controlled by the EU Last December I said there was no more to say about the ridiculous EU; just lately I have had to say more, mainly after José Manuel Barroso said the EU needs to become a Federation urgently! Baroso former PM of Portugal with a stupefying record of economic incompetence is now in charge of the EU project … words fail me … If you, like me (a

Read More Two facts you may not know about the Maastricht Treaty…

Lords reform, Lord steels Clegg’s conkers (geddit?)

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Rate this post“The Lords Reform Bill is dead.” says Cameraman Senior. “Oh no it isn’t!” says Cleggy Minor … The rowdy delinquents are at it again – no parental controls in place as Clegg minor & Cameraman major battle out their respective class captain campaigns for the next two years. Although Cleggy Minor’s dad (Lord Steel) has tried to calm down his errant offspring by calling him “petulant”*2 Once again these silly little boys are spending all their time,  our

Read More Lords reform, Lord steels Clegg’s conkers (geddit?)

Blackadder explains the Euro to Baldrick …

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Rate this postBaldrick: “What I want to know Sir, is, before there was a Euro there were lots of different types of money that different people used. And now there’s only one type of money that the foreign people use. And what I want to know is, how did we get from one state of affairs to the other state of affairs” Blackadder: “Do you mean, how did the Euro start?” Baldrick: “Yes Sir” Blackadder: “Well, you see Baldrick, back

Read More Blackadder explains the Euro to Baldrick …

“Foxy was a werry naughty boy” (not too tough I hope Dave?)

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Rate this post Update January 2025: I originally posted this in 2011 which was about ministerial corruption in government. This ‘news’ was the story that started me writing this blog. I have been researching and writing about  party politics and the dangers of faith schools and religion ever since. This is my post from 2011:- Sir Gosh O’DontAskMeDifficultQuestionsPleaseImAbout ToRetire Meanwhile, and in an alternate reality (the one you and I live in) somebody wrote “Today, a soon to retire, civil

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Lovely dry and sunny weather isn’t it? Yes, but …

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Rate this postSub-title: Sell your Chinese ‘Emerging Market’ stocks soon – you heard it here first. 😯 It hasn’t rained much this year. In fact it is looking like being one of the driest years ever and the trend is probably going to continue. The UK water supply should be owned by the UK A significant majority of British people believe that the water supply is so vital that it should be run as a not-for-profit public service. However, the

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NHS reforms – makes me want to weep!

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Rate this postTory government’s privatisation plans to free ministers from blame for NHS failures The NHS “reforms” proposed by the new Tory government are not reforms, they are simply a politically expedient way to remove future responsibility from central government by putting private companies in charge. The same principle applies to the schools system started by that self-obsessed idiot Blair and continued by ‘gormless’ Gove and ‘Couldn’t care a less’ Cameron. All we hear from Cameron is how necessary the

Read More NHS reforms – makes me want to weep!

Daniel Hannan destroys Gordon Brown – a classic …

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Rate this postDaniel Hannan destroys Gordon Brown and he says it beautifully in the EU parliament. Just watch Brown squirm. …not widely publicised at the time and if you have not seen this – it is a real treat! Most of what he says (and he says it beautifully!) is just as valid now as it was in 2009; enjoy!