Privatisation – Water good idea eh?

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Water privatisation?

Thatcher’s legacy?

Gimme strength!

All of us should understand why we are in such a mess with our water supply. In reality, only a few of us do, certainly not the BBC interviewers when questioning the water supply companies. Their ignorance is jaw dropping.

The simple fact is that the UK of GB has more than enough water, even now, to supply everybody’s needs. The UK is very lucky in this respect.

To quote Paul Waugh of the i newspaper “The latest drought exposes the abject failure of the Tories’ privatisation of water“.

“The bitter irony is that water privatisation was meant to deliver a new era of infrastructure funding as private firms raised cash from the market. Yet one jaw-dropping study found that all the £123bn of capital spending over the past 30 years has been financed by customers’ bills, while borrowing was used instead to fund nearly half that – £57bn – in shareholder dividends.”

This is the first national media outlet I have spotted that agrees with what I wrote in 2011.

Another egregious failure has been the pumping of raw sewage into our rivers and coastal waters, which happened more than 400,000 times last year, with widespread illegal discharges from treatment plants.

Please take two minutes to watch the video below from We Own It.

Lets bring water into public ownership

Thatcher’s legacy exposed for the disaster it is.

Water privatisation was a criminal act; water was a public national asset and she sold it!

Margaret Thatcher, our very worst PM, sold it cheaply, and many other national assets, to a bunch of multi-national hedge funds in 1989.

The result?

Lots of lovely dividends paid to the owners overseas but massive under investment on a massive scale which has caused the current disaster.

Thames Water loses 25% of its supply every day.

It is three decades since the country’s last new reservoir was built; no wonder that a prolonged dry period has caused such chaos, with no way of drawing on additional supplies to replace the lost rainfall and dried-up rivers.

Our water should be movable from oop norf to darn sarf. Privatisation meant we cannot have a national strategy to improve supply and build the necessary infrastructure.

The regulatory bodies set up in 1989 to ensure that the new owners did the right amount of investment were and are toothless. They were and are complete waste of tax payers money.

The huge leaks and raw sewage river pollution has not been addressed at all over the last thirty years! Incredible!

Thatcher’s legacy?

What to do?

Re-nationalise the water companies and immediately with NO pay back to the current owners. They are to blame for the current emergency.

Failing that, deduct the cash they should have spent on infrastructure, fixing river pollution, fixing leaks etc. etc.

Let them sue and then tell them where to get off!



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