Israel / Gaza / Hamas – the Saudi ambassador to the UK talks sense!

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The world news is reporting on little more than madness and tragedy. But the the way the news on the middle east is being reported is ridiculously poor. The history of the current situation is being ignored and I make the case for better reporting below.

I have to say first that I am not a supporter of the misogynistic regime in Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UK Prince Khalid bin Bandar Al Saud was interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 Today program, a few days ago, putting forward one valid solution to the current Israeli / Hamas / Hezbollah war.

The interview, which was eleven minutes long is well worth your time if you did not hear it. Listen below :-

Prince Khalid’s message is summarised below

If the basic problem central to the Hamas, Gaza, Israel and the West Bank is not addressed, then there can be no peace in the middle east.”

The basic problem to be solved is that the creation of Israel in 1948 created more problems than previously existed in the Middle East.”

We in the West, the Israeli Zionist government and most journalists currently ignore the basic issue. They fail to include the historic reasons for today’s awful situation.

According to current news reporting, we are all supposed to think that the problem started on October 7th last year. That was when Hamas killed over one thousand Israelis attending a music festival close to the Gaza border. That in itself was dreadfully brutal but let us also remember the number of Palestinians killed by Israel over the last 70 years. That figure is in the hundreds of thousands.

In 1948 Arabs and Jews were supposed to be under the same rule of law in the new state of Israel. The subsequent Zionist civil war destroyed that vision and we have been living with the consequences ever since. The Arabs themselves have to shoulder some of the blame for refusing to accept the partition rules imposed by us back then. It was never perfect but far better than what was has happened since.

Prince Khalid’s answer is the creation of a separate Palestinian state

He said that Saudi Arabia “would be happy to help fund the rebuilding of Gaza and the West Bank“.

My preferred solution is to rename Israel back to Palestine and for Jews and Arabs to live together in almost harmony as they once did.

That means undoing what the British army did to the Palestinians leading up to 1948 by turfing most of them out of their houses and farms that they had lived in for generations.

That reprehensible action by the British army was supported by the USA, France and the recent renamed League of Nations.

OK, I know that won’t happen, BUT, if something like that does not happen the middle east will be in turmoil for ever!

Do you think that what ‘we1‘ did back in 1948 is worthy of our support today?

This is what Palestine was supposed to become in September 1947

That was before ‘we1‘  messed it all up. As you can see from the first 1947 map, the chances of the two self governing separated Arab states working was just silly!

There was supposedly an economic union between the two states but that did not happen.

The green part of the map was the Jewish bit and the yellow was the Palestinian Arab bit. Today the Palestinian bit is tiny due to Israeli government’s 46 huge but illegal land grabs for so-called ‘settlements’. There are 46 UN resolutions condemning Israeli government’s actions and telling them to reverse their actions. They have not with the USA’s support.


Then look at the second map, where Arab parts are green, showing what successive Israeli governments have done  illegally since 1947!

The history of the Palestine / Israel conflict is complex

It is full of serious political mistakes made by many of ‘We1‘ between the First World War and WW2.

The Balfour Declaration of 1914 declared the safe creation of a Jewish state with support for the existing Arab and its then minority Jewish population. Israel was then created just World War 2 as I have previously written about in at length in 2014

Israel’s creation was an emotional response to put right what the German Nazis did to the European Jews.

The shared capital was to be Jerusalem in the heart of the Arab State (see map on the left).

The Arabs have to be blamed for not accepting this ‘Plan of Partition’ even though the Jews accepted it. There then followed a civil war won by the Zionist Jews in 1949.

Netanyahu is is working so hard to avoid gaol. Until he is replaced nothing approaching a fair solution can be found.

By fair I mean fair to both Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis.

We can’t learn from history if we and our journalists patently ignore it!




















1 – ‘We’ are Zionist Jews, the USA, the UK and the ‘league of Nations’ soon to become The United Nations.


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