… party politics! Party politics has stifled any adult discussion of the threat we face from IS (Islamic State).
No, it’s not ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq & Levant, the Jewish / USA version). Daesh is the Arabic acronym which really they do not like. For a full discussion of the name(s) of this primitive barbaric organisation see here.
Everywhere in the media, even in our best political discussion programs, journalists and politicians consume 90% of the time discussing the party politics of the issue, the “whipping procedure”, the free vote issue, the future of Corbyn, the “new politics”, to whip or not to whip etc. yawn etc. Anything indeed, apart from the detail required to end this sad bit of history.
It is nonsense of course, but leaders of IS believe a 7th century prophecy. The Syrian town of Dabiq is where the second coming of Jesus will take place imminently. That is why the IS caliphate-in-waiting is centred on Syria.
The Second Coming heralds the start of the world wide caliphate and the end of all of us disbelievers. We Kuffar are anybody who is not a Muslim, and moreover, you have to be the right kind of Muslim and that is Sunni. Please follow the Kuffar link (previous sentence) to read an earnest debate about whether or not Muslims should actually play basketball with the unbelievers; read and weep at the ignorance and stupidity we have to fight.
What we will probably have today, after the vote in parliament, is a concerted effort to bomb Raqqa in Syria, but I suspect that IS are already decentralising as our politicians discuss the shape of the discussion table.
Where is the plan for reconstruction of Syria? Who is paying?
Where are the foot soldiers of Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Germany NATO and the USA? Without them, and their money, there can be no lasting solution. We need those boots on the ground to maintain the peace once the bombing stops. We will probably need the boots on the ground for years to come.
Have all these players met to discuss the long term solution? Err, no.
Bombing the enemy might make good copy for the journalists and gung-ho politicians, but it actually achieves nothing. Corbyn is quite right but nobody can listen to the detailed arguments he has put because he has put them so badly. The British population seem not to be ready for the new politics of discussion and the detailed thought it needs.
A bombing campaign is probably required, but only as support for the boots on the ground of a UN led united army.
The murderous, brain-washed, teenagers who carry out the killings and those who command them follow the barbaric rules of the Qur’an to the letter. IS is not interested in discussion. Old men in beards have Allah and the Qur’an as their narrative.
However, the vast majority of Muslims are not the problem, they, like you and me, just want to work, school their children and live in peace.
Islam, however, is the problem along with the West’s politically correct inability to fight back with reason.
I’m tired of repeating this but just read The Faith Virus, you will soon see what I mean!
Acknowledgement: The Spectator magazine for the cartoon