Apart from being good news for the £ (of which more later*), the lack of a majority for any one Italian party, in yesterday’s general election, is giving the political classes the same lesson that they failed to learn in 2010. “We the people” have nobody credible to vote for.
When an Italian comedian can get 25% of the vote, then I think we may say that conventional political parties have been rumbled as the comedians.

The lesson that “we the people” all recognise that party political politics, if not yet quite dead, is increasingly irrelevant in an age where ‘we the people‘ are better informed than ever before and where individual issues transcend party political dogma.
Clowns like Berlusconi are in a funny little world of self delusion, as are our own ” Ed Millipede”, “call me Dave” Cameraman and “Nobody told me” Cleggy.
That so many actually voted for Berlusconi is a sad reflection on the Italians and a hint for those who still think the Euro can be saved.
We want boring competent politicians – some hope!
‘They‘ are all seemingly incapable of realising that the gravy train days are over and that the people want sensible, but of course boring, competent management of our human and physical resources.
* As I have mentioned before and analyse in depth in meBook, the Euro is a ridiculous and entirely illogical construct, doomed to fail, but being kept alive by a financial and political class who believe that “money” actually exists and has value in itself. Whereas the simple truth is that most of today’s ‘money’ is actually indebtedness created by a mad banking system supporting an irrational globalist business class that worshipped growth as its only aim. OK – I have to admit that many of “We the people” were seduced by the ‘need’ for the shiny new stuff now rather than later 🙁 . Grandma, however, has been proved right! Are today’s multiple gadget owners happier as a result?
The probable good news for Sterling is that the Euro has been hit because the “markets” hate Euro uncertainty – ah bless!
There are no Keynesian solutions to the mess created by the consumer society madness; Keynes himself would recognise that the whole indebtedness thing is just too big now. Keynes would laugh at Ed Balls’ silly wafflings.
To all those who still say that Economic Growth is the only way out I say GROW UP! The answer was laid out in 1973 in Schumacher’s book “Small is Beautiful” – essential reading if you actually want a real solution to the world’s woes – sadly I have have to say “fat chance”.
The quest for growth is what caused the 2007/8 crisis and until they admit that, there is no hope for “we the people”.
And what’s more Terry Smith agrees with me!