Rape discussion: Ed Miliband v Ken Clarke – who won?

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The inherent pointlessness of party politicians

Prime Minister’s Questions (‘PMQs’) this week , Wednesday 12:00 – 12:30, demonstrated perfectly all the points that I have ever made (my book)  about the inherent pointlessness of party politicians.

“some rapes are not as serious as others”

From the Daily Mail

Ed Miliband made a skin crawling exhibition of himself when he accused the Justice Minister of saying that “some rapes are not as serious as others”.

What Clarke had actually said, was that the law recognises different classes of serious crime (including rape), which it has incidentally for decades. These distinctions are there to be used by judges when applying an appropriate sentence to the crime.

This comment made by Ken Clarke, the Justice Minister, (married to the same woman for over 40 years) was misconstrued in an emotional radio talk-in show encounter with a rape victim. He simply used language which was open to misunderstanding because of its technical nature.

However, given the emotionally charged situation, it was always going to be difficult to have a coherent discussion; at worse, Ken Clarke might be accused of not choosing his words carefully enough.

But, oh boy, did Miliband show himself up to be the bandwagon burk of the day!

There was Ed, all serious, quiet and controlled with a deeper voice than usual, calmly asking for Clarke’s head “by the end of the day”. Ed Miliband is a disaster for the Labour Party and all party politicians are a disaster for ‘we the people’. ‘We’ are simply not that important anymore, if indeed we ever were, and we are certainly not heard by Westminster Village.

Miliband used all his allowed 6 questions on this storm in a teacup. Time for the end of party politics I say, and so, it seems, do the 60% of the population who actually bothered to vote in the May 2010 inconclusive election.

PMQs has become a farce, a reality show watched by saddos like me and Andrew Neil (except he gets paid to watch it).

Questions are never answered by the Prime Minister wasting valuable time that could be used for the benefit of the people.

Time for a change methinks …

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