One of my dear readers once called me prescient when I was writing years ago about the rise of Isis and Chinese aggression.
This was well before any of our politicians could see the problem or dared to point it out.
Therefore I am taking a very small risk by proposing the real reason for Sunak’s July election announcement.

He will resign within days of Labour’s pathetic victory and go back to being a quiet billionaire.
David ‘Cameraman’ did just the same when he lost the Leave EU vote and he will leave politics at the same time as Sunak goes.
Rishi Sunak is an intelligent chap but sadly not very wise.
Nor indeed, is he much of a ‘politician’ as many commentators have pointed out (Rod Liddle to name but one).
Sunak’s wife probably told him to get out of politics sooner than later 😉
He knows he is going to lose and he is just following her advice by calling an early election.
Sunak can see that the Tories have little chance of winning an election this year.
Andrew Neil just ‘thinks Sunak wants out’ as he said recently on Spectator TV. (Fourteen minutes but well worth a watch)
The situation in Britain is bad, France and the EU is worse and for the rest of the world it is dire.
Putin and Xi have to be stopped but that requires a statesperson in Churchillian mode …BUT there is nobody even close that I can see. A younger Biden might have been the man but sadly he is obviously not going to last much longer. Biden is the only major western political leader to criticise China’s aggressive words on Taiwan.
A few names I could mention are hiding away in safe places; Rory Stewart and Daniel Hannan are two of my preferred leaders but they don’t seem to want the job either.
Who on earth would want the job? And the simple truth is, that the choice between the two main parties is no real choice at all.
We can all see that British politics is broken and my small attempt at a solution is not being taken seriously, so far.
I thank Morten Morland and The Spectator for allowing me to use the cartoon. It is from their 25th May 2024 magazine cover.