My last post on Brexit; even I can take no more


 It is not about you MPs – it is about the 17.4 million of us! The sight of those silly school girls & boys skipping down the road away from their political parties was just sickening. Who do those adolescent MPs, who have never created anything of worth, think they are? It is simply not about them or their failed political parties. It is about us, the 17.4 million of “We the People” remember them / us / we? Qualification

Read More My last post on Brexit; even I can take no more

Brexit, echoes of PeterLoo & referenda


 MPs are now so disconnected from the public that the current situation echoes events just prior to PeterLoo* in 1819. I saw the film PeterLoo last Friday and the political & economic similarities are hard to miss. Parliament and the Prince Regent (the King was mentally ill and incapable at that time) sent cavalry into a crowded Manchester square.  Sixteen people were killed and seven hundred were seriously injured. The discontent of the people? Pah, send in the cavalry! Today,

Read More Brexit, echoes of PeterLoo & referenda

Project fear refuted …


 There are many serious and rational voices in support of a No Deal, despite the BBC’s overwhelming Project Fear coverage, and, to my surprise, by Channel 4’s Jon Snow (more on this below) which you just have to watch. The pity is that these views are hidden from our view, but they are there, if you look. So then, who are these misguided, treacherous, thick, ill educated No Deal supporters? I have collected a few of the best arguments supplied by these

Read More Project fear refuted …

The Brexit smokescreen unmasked & let’s see more of …


 A short constitutional overview A referendum is the most powerful democratic tool we have. It is, and was in 2016, a direct call to ” we the people ” to have our say. But our confused party politicians hate that level of direct democracy because it sidesteps what they think is their job 😉 This explains why around 500 members of parliament are doing all they can to reverse the clear instruction given to them in 2016. Our voice is

Read More The Brexit smokescreen unmasked & let’s see more of …

Brexit solved at last; are you ready?


 Whilst walking my dog this morning I had a chat with a fellow philosopher He is a bit younger than me, so quite representative of our respective generations. In five minutes we had solved many issues which had defied our best political brains for two years (Ed: Err, better get some new brains in quick then). We agreed that we are just about to lose our best ever chance of sorting out “the troubles”, the unification of Ireland and any

Read More Brexit solved at last; are you ready?

Brexit on Theresa May’s terms would be the worst of all worlds


 I am quoting Daniel Hannan an MEP writing in the Telegraph (on-line) a few days ago. Daniel is a Conservative MEP and someone who has been very critical of the EU’s systemic hypocrisy, inefficiency and financial incompetence for many years, as have I. Whether or not you are or were a Remainer or leaver, this current policy direction is beyond daft; it is criminal incompetence from Theresa May who is either so confused by what she thinks she ought to

Read More Brexit on Theresa May’s terms would be the worst of all worlds

Salzburg, time for May to walk away, enough is enough


 The BBC’s ridiculous pro-Remain stance is irritating enough, but the Salzburg EU Brexit meeting has exposed Theresa May, yet again, to be completely clueless. I have been saying this for months here and here and here. Do the BBC, Theresa May & Dominic Raab really think we are all stupid? The EU’s delusional bureaucracy is simply fighting for its very existence. It is scared shitless of the domino effect once we, the second largest net contributor, leave. The EU is

Read More Salzburg, time for May to walk away, enough is enough

Brexit means Brexit? May rubbishes the referendum


 So now we know why she said and did nothing for the last two years. Saying nothing meant she avoided lying to us until the very last moment, she was always a Remainer. “Brexit means Brexit” was always a shallow lie hidden behind her meaningless words. Instead of accepting the referendum result, she is supporting big business, bankers, hedge funds, the bankrupt EU who are all shouting, at her, louder than we can. She is supporting anybody it seems, other

Read More Brexit means Brexit? May rubbishes the referendum

Anti-Semitic, its meaning and a history of its misuse


 The words anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic suffer from obfuscation (lies), misdirection and at its very heart, an absence of a rational definition. The current row about Anti-Semitism, and what most people think it means, is flawed and dishonest. It is made far worse by sensationalist journalism. Truth and a rational debate is almost impossible to find and to quote almost all the media, “We are all very upset and angry about all those nasty people who are anti-Semitic, particularly those in

Read More Anti-Semitic, its meaning and a history of its misuse

Brexit & British Blue Passports


 There are no funny cartoons in this post, there are no jokes either. Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse it did! The humiliation for the United Kingdom of Great Britain is now complete. If anything exemplifies the disconnectedness between “we the people” and the inhabitants of the Westminster bubble (politicos & journalists) it is these two “stories” separated by 35 years. Story Number 1 (March 22nd 2018): (Ed: surely April 1st?) The new blue British passport is to

Read More Brexit & British Blue Passports

Brexit: UK fisheries are sold out … again


 As Nigel Farage has said today “We sold out fisheries when we joined the EEC and we’re selling them out now as we leave.” I could not agree more, but it seems that almost nobody else can see that “we the people” are being screwed both by the EU and our own government. I think the two cartoons below tell the story better than I can but where would we be without a sense of humour? (Answer: at foot of this

Read More Brexit: UK fisheries are sold out … again

The Institute for global change, Blair & Adonis


 “The Institute for Global Change” blames Populism for the incorrect result of the Brexit referendum. Adonis said “Brexit is a populist and nationalist spasm worthy of Donald Trump” (full text of his letter here). I thanks for the photo and their words. Tony Blair fronts ‘The Institute for Global Change’. Multinationals fund it (but try and find out who!). The Institute for Global Change is a preposterous and egotistically named organisation. You just have to follow this link for the

Read More The Institute for global change, Blair & Adonis

Pre Christmas quiz


 Your challenge, dear reader, is to guess which of these are fake news 😉 There will be prizes (but, see 2* below) A radical change for the Catholic Church  Pope Francis, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, has made a number of surprising announcements, while on tour in the Myanmar (Burma to you and  me), that will take the Catholic Church in a very progressive and liberal direction. The ministry of the 266th pontiff, it appears, will henceforward, be founded in reason and

Read More Pre Christmas quiz

Our returning jihadis & what to do?


 Such an important issue this, as is evidenced on front pages everywhere and QuestionTime on BBC 1 last Thursday. Opinions ranged from Rory Stewart(*1) saying “Kill them, there is no alternative”. Then the leftist intellectuals saying “understand them, hug them but then imprison them”. Finally the Questiontime audience saying “don’t let them back in, they have lost any rights, they might have had as British citizens”, by going out there to fight for ISIS etc. What I think what Rory

Read More Our returning jihadis & what to do?

Mrs May: How to negotiate with Brussels (hint: heed Churchill & Attlee)


 Perhaps you may be wondering why the TV, radio and papers are so full of endless discussions about the need for a deal with the EU and why we are “getting nowhere” and “time is running out”? That is, unless like me, you are so heartily sick of it that the news has lost its onetime appeal 😉 Those who report the “news” inhabit the same bubble of unreality as do most of our MPs. They feed off each other

Read More Mrs May: How to negotiate with Brussels (hint: heed Churchill & Attlee)

May’s kind words to the EU – how to make a corporate tax avoidance specialist happy


 “We are so sorry to have upset you Mr & Mrs EU, but now we see that your requests for all our money were quite justified.” Mrs May says “The fact that you, the EU, have proved your financial ineptitude on so many occasions means that we should have foreseen your desperate need for our money and we are so sorry to have caused you pain, so here it is. “Please come and take all the cash you need for

Read More May’s kind words to the EU – how to make a corporate tax avoidance specialist happy

Blimey, I May have to vote for Corbyn ;-o eeeeeeeek!


 Theresa May is robotic in her endless “strong & stable” meanderings containing little detail and has no interesting vision for Britain. She has repeatedly shown she cannot handle ordinary people whereas Corbyn has scored well. I can’t remember a general election where I have found it so difficult to summon up the enthusiasm to vote. I have voted in every general election since I was in my mid twenties. Both May & Corbyn look and sound like geography teachers instead of British leaders

Read More Blimey, I May have to vote for Corbyn ;-o eeeeeeeek!

Brexit, the Supreme Court, lawyers and logic


 The Supreme Court is today ruling on something that really does not matter very much to ‘we the people’. Lawyers, who form the largest and probably the most vocal part of our so-called democracy have missed a very simple fact, on purpose. That fact is that a referendum is a direct approach to the people, and is the most powerful democratic tool that ‘we the people’ have. The executive, that is our government ministers, devolved the question of EU membership to

Read More Brexit, the Supreme Court, lawyers and logic

Hinckley approved! Theresa May’s criminal incompetence


 This is a truly appalling and criminally incompetent decision by Theresa May. Thirty odd years of indecision and delay in addressing our electricity requirements from both Labour and the Tories have led us to this ridiculous point. Yet again, party politics and our 4/5 year election cycle have been obstacles to logical and rational long term decision making. The technology of the proposed reactor is unproven. The PFI business deal is so stupid that EDF & China must be laughing all the

Read More Hinckley approved! Theresa May’s criminal incompetence

Theresa May & the Chief Constable! Two complete burkhas


 Oh I know the title of this piece is a bit Daily Mail! But, while the press & TV concentrate on Theresa May’s announcement promoting grammar schools, a far more important part of the new education bill she proposes gets hardly any air time at all. May wants to increase both the number, and the selective power, of faith schools, by effectively removing the current 50% non-faith element! For god’s sake ( 😉  that is today’s only attempt at humour) will all our politicians, and

Read More Theresa May & the Chief Constable! Two complete burkhas

When is a majority not democratic ..?


 … when it gives us the wrong answer, or so it seems 😉 I keep reading, in the last few days, a completely illogical viewpoint being expressed in the media. It is this: “…the referendum vote was so close that we need another referendum to sort out the mess we are in.” Owen Smith is the latest bandwagon jumperer-onner to espouse that laughable view. Smith, the lacklustre and doomed alternative to Jezza (the Trot) Corbyn. On Wednesday’s  Radio 4 Today

Read More When is a majority not democratic ..?

Well, we are still waiting …


 …for someone to bring philosophical and visionary leadership to post Brexit Britain. Don’t get me wrong, I am a Britain first, and Englishman second but staunch European third. Remember the European Enlightenment? Few seem to, yet this was the flowering pinnacle of human philosophical rational thought, started by Confucius, Buddha and Socrates ending with Nietzsche telling us that ‘God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. Yet his shadow still looms. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of

Read More Well, we are still waiting …

Up yours Juncker, now we need to think and wait …


 … for our politicians to accept the reality of what the British people have told them. This result is quite a shock for them and most will be in denial for some time. I suspect the best positive way forward is a mixed party coalition executive (government) based around Boris Johnson, Daniel Hannan, Michael Gove and a few of the impressive economists from the campaign group The Economists for Brexit. I know this idea not quite perfect, BUT its a

Read More Up yours Juncker, now we need to think and wait …

Vote Remain for unstoppable globalisation & democracy’s death


 Today’s Remain campaign sponsors are a financial gambler and a retail expansionist failure. I speak of George Soros and Terry Leahey leading the “Remain Campaign’s” sound bite bollocks today. George Soros made billions on betting against the pound on Black Wednesday in 1992, when Britain left the ERM. The ERM was almost as daft as the invention of the Euro and yes, you guessed it, was also invented by Brussels faceless bureaucrats. Soros wants to remain because he supports the

Read More Vote Remain for unstoppable globalisation & democracy’s death

The EEC, the EU and why it’s time to leave


 Ever since I started this blog, some 8 years ago, I have written many posts urging us to leave the EU because of what I discovered in my personal quest to understand why and how the EEC became the EU. Prophetic is the description I would use, or so I hope, having just re-read them. I’d love to know what you think! 😉 This is my last chance to persuade you to vote leave on the 23rd June. Do you

Read More The EEC, the EU and why it’s time to leave

Belief is a matter of opinion … discuss


 A few words of light relief and escape from the nauseating, banal utterances from both sides of the public EU debate. This piece was written sometime ago by an American contributor to this blog, and for some reason I have not published it before. It is well worth a read. Thank you perspective. Belief in some kind of “higher power,” or not, has a relationship to one’s preference in governance. The Left has the most straightforward belief in a higher

Read More Belief is a matter of opinion … discuss

Why Obama fears the UK leaving EU, the clue is “queue”


 What a huge disappointment Obama is, I’m sure both to himself and to all those non-white Americans who had so much hope invested in his first term. I too had hoped for a radical change in world politics but the globalised corporate world is bigger than politics and indeed now pays for most party politicians. All those hopes have been defeated by the corrupt corporate mess that US and world politics has become. As most of you may have realised

Read More Why Obama fears the UK leaving EU, the clue is “queue”

Cameraman, the EU & the pointless charade


 Everyone I meet who is even minimally interested in the EU, knows that Cameraman’s EU negotiations have been pointless from the start. The charade continues to be supported by the BBC and most journalists because ‘the story‘ fills up the time available for news broadcasts and keeps everyone busy. There is no reason at all to link the date of the promised referendum to what Cameraman is doing. Yet this is being presented as being a necessary step! Absolute poppycock.

Read More Cameraman, the EU & the pointless charade

Two faces of Islam & Cameron’s new plan, sigh…


 Peter Brookes said it beautifully in his cartoon printed six weeks before Saudi Arabia executed 45 ‘enemies of state’. I can’t show it on my blog but you can see it here. It’s becoming clear that our view of Saudi Arabia is in need of review (Ed: Understatement of the decade?). ISIS Meanwhile our boys have carried out 4 bombing raids in Syria with absolutely nothing to show for their efforts. All the hoohah in the recent Parliamentary debate was really

Read More Two faces of Islam & Cameron’s new plan, sigh…

It’s the ISsues stupid, not the …


 … party politics! Party politics has stifled any adult discussion of the threat we face from IS (Islamic State). No, it’s not ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq & Levant, the Jewish / USA version). Daesh is the Arabic acronym which really they do not like. For a full discussion of the name(s) of this primitive barbaric organisation see here. Everywhere in the media, even in our best political discussion programs, journalists and politicians consume 90% of the time discussing the

Read More It’s the ISsues stupid, not the …

Cameron, China, the dragon in the room …


 This article is a timely update to one I wrote about the dangers of China in February 2014 China the elephant in the room. This Tory government has learned nothing from Thatcher’s disastrous reign of myopic, crass decision making or that of New Labour’s 13 incompetent years at the helm. It cannot see beyond Cameraman’s departure two years hence (yes – two) and is making huge errors of mismanagement in three vital areas of Britain’s future. These are: 1) future electricity generation;

Read More Cameron, China, the dragon in the room …

How to defeat Islamic State (IS)


 I summarise some recent news and offer a long term solution as human misery is being played out at Europe’s borders. Hundreds of thousands of foreign Muslims are trying to migrate to northern Europe from Syria and Iraq, to name but two countries. A few hundred British Muslims have left for Syria to help set up an Islamic Caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq. I wonder if those travelling to Syria have wondered why so many of their Muslim

Read More How to defeat Islamic State (IS)

The UK of GB, a brief history of the future


 This piece has been coming for a while now. Recent the new Fox hunting bill, and the Scottish National Party’s successes recently, kicked it back into life. The United Kingdom of Great Britain is the name of this country, which I love, and in which, I live. The name describes poetically, and politically, where the British people live and how we expect to be governed. It took over a fifteen hundred years to unite this island’s disparate warring tribes into

Read More The UK of GB, a brief history of the future



 I am greatly amused by the frantic anti Jeremy Corbyn campaign being waged by the other three Labour party leadership contenders. 😉 They simply do not understand why Corbyn is so popular with many Labour supporters, and many of us. The reason is, that Andy Burnham, Liz Kendall and Yvette Cooper (AKA Mrs Balls) are still speaking and thinking poli-balls. They have not twigged that we the people don’t like it. (Ed: I wonder why Ms Cooper uses her maiden

Read More Corbynaphobia

The immigrant crisis, an alternative view


 Our dumbed down BBC news A BBC reporter was interviewing one persistent, but unsuccessful, immigrant on the recent death of his friend. “How are you feeling?” she asked. They were in a tent, “in the Jungle” the Calais camp site, where he had been living for the last month. “Oh it must be so sad for you to still see his shoe on the floor over there…” said the reporter, interviewing the man who cousin died last week in the

Read More The immigrant crisis, an alternative view

The poison of radical Islam, Cameron begins to wake up?


 Our Dave wants to defeat the poison of radical Islam, jolly good eh? Well, no, he still defends state funded faith schools. His use of the word poison, copies Blair, his hero, who has used the word poison in the same context many times since 2010. Yet, despite agreeing on the word, neither Blair nor Cameraman have the slightest clue about the nature of so-called radical Islam. Cameraman’s Birmingham speech on the 21st July was welcome, but several years too

Read More The poison of radical Islam, Cameron begins to wake up?

EU leaders remain clueless – Greece in denial


 At London Conference of 1953, the Greek Minister of Finance signed a treaty agreeing to cancel 50% of Germany’s debt! How times change! While the idiotic posturing of Jean-Claude Juncker (a banker friendly supporter of globalisation and an expert in tax avoidance for multi-nationals) waits for Greece to agree to ridiculous demands to pay back the banks who were daft enough to loan a third world economy buckets of cash in the first place, Greece’s Prime Minister (and most of

Read More EU leaders remain clueless – Greece in denial

British people will never vote for a weirdo as PM …


 … so says the disgraced Jeremy Clarkson in yesterday’s Sun newspaper (or so I am reliably informed by the Today Program 😉 ).  The fact that Clarkson was quite right of course, was missed by the party political elite, all the pollsters, and the journalist clever dicks whose very living depends on producing acres of crap 24/7. The simple reason for them all being wrong is that they could not bear to listen to the still small voice in their

Read More British people will never vote for a weirdo as PM …

Right to buy is back, sigh…


 Theresa May today underlined why so few of us will be voting for one of the main parties on May 17th. She played the usual game of not answering any question put to her, avoiding any semblance of honesty and straight speaking that we, the people, so desire. The same criticism applies to Millibean and Clegg too, so I am not being partisan! The original Right to Buy policy, brought in by that dreadful 1980s Thatcher government, is to be

Read More Right to buy is back, sigh…